cool kids [c.hood]
"if that's your way of picking up girls, I'm sorry to break it to you my friend but you're not doing very well." in which a boy tried with pick up lines but she didn't try at all. sequel: colours (its on my profile)
"if that's your way of picking up girls, I'm sorry to break it to you my friend but you're not doing very well." in which a boy tried with pick up lines but she didn't try at all. sequel: colours (its on my profile)
so·cial net·work / noun / a network of social interactions and personal relationships. 2014 all rights reserved © -ymas-
❝our story isn't over, it's just forever unfinished.❞ © 2014 michaelsvans
Michael didn't say much. Luke said nothing at all. Luke and Michael were perfect for each other. Silent. But still perfect. WINNER OF THE 'MUKE' BROMANCE AWARD ALSO AWARDED THE STORY WITH THE MOST VOTES OUT OF ALL OTHER CATAGORIES