Zavarok, szindrómák és fóbiák
Playlistek, vélemények, ajánlások K-pop témán belül. Visszatérő témák: ♫ Havi TOP10, playlistek 💿 Albumvélemény 📀 Unboxing 🎧 TAG ★ Unpopular Opinions 💣 Kpop hírek, témák ♨ Entertainment tour 🏆Díjátadó összefoglalók (MMA, MAMA) 📚 Wattpad könyvajánló 💻 Dokumentumfilmek, sorozatok
"You hear someone walking towards the door on the other side. The black door labeled '541' opens. It's Jungkook. There stands the most handsome man, wearing a black t-shirt, silver basketball shorts and very wet hair-he must have just gotten out of the shower. 'Come in, come in' he says..." Allow this secret night wit...
Khloe Lakewoods life isn't ordinary. It's the opposite. She has six older and overprotective brothers. How does she survive? She spent the start of her high school going to a completely separate school to the rest of her brothers, except her twin because she wanted to go to the same school as her best friend. However...