Hidden Lines
A tale of two worlds, who are destined to be together.
"Azaara's Fate" follows the journey of a strong and resilient young woman, Azaara, who finds herself caught in a web of love, duty, and unexpected challenges. Forced into a marriage for reasons beyond her control, Azaara faces the trials of adapting to a new life and struggling to navigate the tensions that arise from...
"Sarauniyya: Heartstrings" is the captivating first installment in the "Sarauniyya" series, an evocative narrative that delves deep into the rich tapestry of Arewa culture, friendship, and personal growth. The story follows Ameera Danasabe and her best friend Fatima-Zarah Jallo, two young women navigating the complexi...
On the day she got to know about him, Ayra Leilani Abdulaziz realised she wanted nothing more from the world than to be Ibrahim Fahad's wife. Years later, her dreams are coming true and she's in the one place she'd dreamt of all along: right by his side with his surname as hers. Unlike the sunshine and rainbows she'd...
COMPLETED ~JALILAH~ Jalilah, a sweet, lively, and beautiful sixteen-year-old girl, knows no care in the world. An orphan since her parents passed away when she was just a year old, she has lived her entire life with her uncle, who promised to love and care for her as his o...
Turƙashi, wannanfa shine cakwakiyoyi ba cakwakiya ba, bamma san yanda zan musalta muku kitimurmurar dake cikin book ɗinnan ba sam, dan wani irin ruɗaɗɗen labarine mai cike da abubuwan mamaki da tarin al'ajabi harma da ban haushi, labarin ya taɓo wasu a cikin matsalolin zuminci, gidajen aurenmu, Tsaro, rikita-rikita...
This is a story of a girl named humaira who is in love with the school's hottest guy named Salman. She loved him with all her heart and was willing to do anything for him while he didn't even know she existed. however salman's best friend Adnan fell in love with humaira at first sight who will she choose? will she e...
Romantic but broken, Ziyad applies to be Hidaya's driver after getting laid off his job. Hidaya A lady who never really believed or cared about love until she met him. He falls first but she falls harder resulting in a canon event that switched their roles.
A chance encounter in the dark leads eighteen-year-old Daniel and the girl who stumbles across him to profess their love for each other. But this love has conditions: they agree it will last only one hour, and it will be only make-believe. When their hour is up and the girl rushes off like Cinderella, Daniel tries to...
He rejected me, all my life I have dreamed of my mate and our lives together. But he rejected me, I knew my fate, I knew his. He could survive, I would not,but I had to try. #4 in Vampire 20/06/2021 #5 in Broken 08/08/2021 #9 in Werewolf 12/08/2021 #1 in Pregnancy 20/08/2021 Thank you to GoldenFaither for my cover I l...
Kalmar QADDARA kalma ce dake rataye bisa wuyan kowanne bawa,haka rayuwa ta gada,tafe take da QADDARORI kala kala,masu zaqi da akasin haka............. SUMAYYA na kallon yadda KUNDIN QADDARARTA ke ta bude mata shafi bayan shafi na TATA QADDARAR kowanne shafi kuma da irin nasa salon karatun da yake biya mata..... Shin w...