The Virginity Game
Highschool might have messed us all up but in the end we will see that it might have been the best thing that could could have ever happend to 4 girls.
Highschool might have messed us all up but in the end we will see that it might have been the best thing that could could have ever happend to 4 girls.
Cupid and Psyche. It's the oldest tale in the world. But what happens when Cupid falls victim to his own arrow for the second time around? And this time, it's with a mortal girl, Cytherea Hastings.
If you read this, be warned. I wish you luck. Read this and take your fate. Take the fate of hiding this. I pray you are of kind intentions.
Dieses Buch erscheint im Herbst 2018 im Buchhandel. Daher habe ich es hier auf eine Leseprobe (9 Kapitel) reduziert. Danke an alle Leser, die mich so lieb unterstützt haben❤️😊! ~ INHALT: An den letzten fünf Tagen des Jahres, den Dämonentagen, leben die Menschen in Furcht und Angst. Denn sobald das letzte Tageslicht v...
as William Wordsworth said, poetry is "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings." indeed, poetry employs rhythm, language, rhetorical devices, and figures of speech to convey an imaginative, emotional experience. poetry contrasts with prose, or everyday writing, and often uses elaborate diction and figurative lan...