Citrus: Mei's Story vol. 1 - Guarded Heart
Retelling the events of the manga series Citrus and Citrus+ by Saburouta, as told from the perspective of Mei Aihara. Guarded Heart covers vol 1 of the original manga.
Retelling the events of the manga series Citrus and Citrus+ by Saburouta, as told from the perspective of Mei Aihara. Guarded Heart covers vol 1 of the original manga.
Retelling the events of the manga series Citrus and Citrus+ by Saburouta, as told from the perspective of Mei Aihara. Hesitant Heart covers vol 2 of the manga.
Retelling the events of the manga series Citrus and Citrus+ by Saburouta, as told from the perspective of Mei Aihara. Rivalled Heart portrays the events of volume 3 of the original manga.
Retelling the events of the manga series Citrus and Citrus+ by Saburouta, as told from the perspective of Mei Aihara. Wounded Heart covers the events of volume 4 of the original manga and the end of the anime series.
Retelling the events of the manga series Citrus and Citrus+ by Saburouta, as told from the perspective of Mei Aihara. Tested Heart covers the fifth volume of the original manga. Takes place directly after the anime.
Retelling the events of the manga series Citrus and Citrus+ by Saburouta, as told from the perspective of Mei Aihara. Wondering Heart follows the events of volume 6 of the original manga.
Retelling the events of the manga series Citrus and Citrus+ by Saburouta, as told from the perspective of Mei Aihara. Examined Heart follows the events of volume 7 of the original manga.
Retelling the events of the manga series Citrus and Citrus+ by Saburouta, as told from the perspective of Mei Aihara. Travelling Heart follows the events of volume 8 of the original manga.
Retelling the events of the manga series Citrus and Citrus+ by Saburouta, as told from the perspective of Mei Aihara. Frozen Heart follows the events of volume 9 of the original manga.
Retelling the events of the manga series Citrus and Citrus+ by Saburouta, as told from the perspective of Mei Aihara. Resolute Heart follows the events of volume 10 of the original manga. The tale of the original Citrus manga series ends here.