As always Harry and Draco fought, as often, the fight ended in the infirmary ... Yet this time, any change, Dumbledore tells them that they arrived 18 years in the future and that they are married and parents ... HPDM
As always Harry and Draco fought, as often, the fight ended in the infirmary ... Yet this time, any change, Dumbledore tells them that they arrived 18 years in the future and that they are married and parents ... HPDM
Story by hoboheartache on ao3 Italics: Thoughts "Italics": Foreign language/emphasis Bold: Writing (books, letters, etc...) Explicit Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of ViolenceMajor Character Death Categories: F/MM/MF/F Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Relationships: Harry Potter & Tom Riddle | VoldemortDrac...
The year after her brother James graduates, Teddy Potter returns to Hogwarts for her final year. With the Marauders gone, it should be a quiet, peaceful year despite the mounting tensions in the world outside of school. The problem, naturally, lies with Regulus Black, the broody boy who just might be the most effortle...
What if Musa's mother had given birth to more children before dying? What if Musa had 4 younger sisters and a brother? What if her brother was actually older than Musa, and was friends with everyone? What if Helia was Musa's brother? Would they be able to keep it a secret, or would their friends find out?
A botched ritual, an irate Potions Master, and a series of magical chain reactions bring a new twist to the middle of Harry's OWL year... what's next? Ps. I don't own this story but i was given permission to put it on wattpad by the author. You can find them on
What if the 3rd generation time traveled to the 1st generation. And what if the 2nd generation time traveled to the first to. How will Harry react seeing his future kids and parents and how will he feel about his son dating a malfoy. The characters don't belong to me or the cover or the pictures.
What if Harry Potter had a twin named Charles or Charlie for short? What if Lily and James survived that faithful hallows eve night? What if Charlie was hailed the boy-who-lived and Harry was shunted aside? What if Lily neglects Harry and James abuses him? What if Sirius and Remus are all he has left?
Harry Potter has always been hated. That was why his parents sent him to Azkaban. But, will an unexpected mother son relationship with Bellatrix Lestrange and wrong boy who lived scene change the fate of the world.
28/03/2023 I'M TAKING A BREAK FROM THIS BOOK AS I HAVE TO FOCUS ON MY STUDIES. SO NO UPDATES FOR 6-7 YEARS. DO NOT COMMENT/PM ME TO UPDATE. I WILL DO IT AFTER MY BREAK IS OVER. ___________________________________________ It's 1995, Iris Potter is in the Great Hall with her friends for the start-of-term feast when eigh...
The Dursleys put Harry into an orphange only a few months after they found him on their front step. Years later for a school project Harry contacts his birth family which soon reveals his married godfather and his husband to be his mates, a secret affair, truth about the past, and a sexual awakening for an almost 40 y...
Voldemort a gagné la bataille de Poudlard car Neville n'a pas pu tuer Nagini. Maintenant les seuls survivants sont Ginny, Neville, Ron, Hermione et Harry. Il survivent tous les 5 derrière le tableau du Chevalier du Catogan. La pièce est minuscule et les tensions montent. Un voyage dans le temps pour aller chercher de...
C'est l'histoire d'Harry Potter mort contre Voldemort pendant la dernière bataille, réincarner dans un nouveau-né, née d'une expérience scientifique sur une femme dans un laboratoire... Lors de sa naissance , la femme décidera alors de s'enfuir avec l'enfant pour ne pas le laissez au scientifique...
Harry Potter n'est pas un enfant ordinaire tout comme son cousin, Dudley Evans. Ils ne sont pas non plus de simple sorcier. Alors que le premier doit supporter l'animosité de ses parents ainsi que de son frère jumeau Ayden. Le deuxième doit tout apprendre sur l'univers de la magie. Mais quand ils feront "sa" rencontre...
Ce sont des livres que j'ai aimé. J'espère que vous aimerez aussi. Ce sont des livres sur le monde fantastiques d'Harry Potter.
it' @/graydove71 's work. summary in the prologue. happy reading :)
"I will take the very one that was meant to destroy me, who was prophesized to be my doom. I will take him and make him loyal to me and me only. " Harry Potter was stolen that fateful Halloween night. Sixteen years later and he is the son of the Dark Lord. But when he is captured by the Order of the Phoenix, how will...
What if, instead of Hagrid giving Harry his letter, Snape is the one who gives it to him? What will Snape think of Harry once he meets him and the Dursleys. Will his perception of the boy change, or stay the same. What will Harry think of Snape when he meets him. Will Snape be the father figure Harry longed for, or...
One day after Harry's third year at Hogwarts, the Weasley's stop by to check on him. However, they are shocked to discover the truth about the boy who lived. Harry has been abused by the Dursleys. Harry's friends now have to work together to show him how much he really means to them, and that he didn't deserve the han...
After blowing up his Aunt Marge Harry spend the rest of the summer before his Third Year in Diagon Alley. Having heard about Inheritance Test he decided to take one only learns about the betrayals from his friends. Only to find out that what they had done caused even more harm they could imagine. ⚠️not mine⚠️ Story be...
After the first 5 years draco started to have feelings for potter even though he wasn't sure if Potter did.One day after classes he heard screaming come from the corridor he was just in when he kissed Harry and ran, scared of what he would say. When Draco got to the room he heard the screaming come from he saw somethi...
Through a mysterious series of events, Lily and James Potter are brought back to life the summer after Harry's third year. They are reunited with Remus and Sirius and go to see Harry. However, they were not expecting to find that he was being abused by the Dursleys. Harry is rescued from his relatives and is finally g...
Hinata Shouyou, a member of Karasuno's volleyball team. He acts oblivious and stupid for reasons he swore he won't tell his team. But he's profoundly smart in school and logic, so what is his objective in hiding his skill ? And will his teammates feel betrayed about his secret ? • BoyxBoy • Kageyama x Hinata
Hinata was very much a ball of sunshine. Everywhere he went he would bring joy and a comforting feeling. Little did he know that he would get a phone call and his whole world would turn upside down. (Bare with me I'm not exactly fond of the while set up of Haikyuu I've only seen the first two seasons but I've read man...
They left him. He was abandoned. Years later they came back seeking for forgiveness. Will Kuroko forgive them and why? GOMXKUROKO.YAOI
The potter's were always considered the most influential family after the founder's and Merlin himself. Being the member of sacred 28 families even after Jameson potter marrying a muggleborn was a feat in itself. So what does the Potter Grimoire hides?? It wouldn't let it's last heir be ignorant of his heritage. What...
Harry Potter has been living his life in fear. Fear of his uncle, fear of his power, fear of his magic, fear of his own shadow. But one day, during a routine trip to the market, he meets Tony. Tony has everything someone could possibly desire. But there's one thing missing from his life. When he is walking down the st...
When Chat Noir breaks up with Marinette to fulfill his dreams in the states, he doesn't really know what to expect when he returns years later as Adrien. But it certainly wasn't a little girl with short, blonde curls inviting him into Marinette's apartment. Or, his old time partner, Ladybug, who's already onto him whe...
Harry Potter has always thought he had complete control of his life and knew who he was, but that is not the case at all. His name is not even Harry James Potter, but instead is Hadrian Marvolo Riddle, his Mother being James Riddle nee Potter, his father Tom Riddle. He always thought that he could trust Dumbledore, b...
Harry Potter didn't follow the standards. Yet he still had all his Lordships and he was still an Alpha. There was a lot of things he didn't do, that he was expected to do. He didn't take in his first his Omega at the age of 21, when he was supposed to by the Ministry. He didn't have a child that could carry on his bl...
If you had a chance to do it over again, make things better, would you take it? or Harry fakes it 'til he makes it OR Harry -somehow- accidentally goes back in time #1 in Fit-it #8 in time travel #7 in dracoxharry enjoy :))