shoved a needle in my brain and now my head won't stop bleeding
sprinkle the ashes of your lover over your cocaine heart POETRY / PROSE © putrescentpoet cover by @satinebones
1960. note style. neil always receives a note in the five centuries of verse book just before each meeting from a signed, "to my rose." with all of the members of the dead poets society making fun of him for the letters, neil decides to ask their help of who it is and well, maybe it's one of their own. 𝐍𝐄𝐈𝐋 𝐏𝐄�...
Simply a collection of poems by my favorite poet and author, the lovely Sylvia Plath (1932-1963). **None of these poems belong to me (obviously).**
© 8ront3 xxmviii compilation of writing over the years; poetry, short stories, recollections of experiences.
and so with that, in conclusion, sometimes all there's needed is a scream to shatter the glass around your own heart. tryna be poetic or whateva (not really succeeding tho!)
to the boy who wanted nonfiction but who I gave poetry to. these are poems I never gave to you. All rights reserved © 2017 immortalitatis- cover by my lovely friend @hurtcopain