Is satisfaction a factor...? Ryuuto Sakurabi was an Interhigh baseball player that failed to bring his team to win the finals for some uncertain reasons. Soon after, he lost his will and determination, leading to the end of his career.
Is satisfaction a factor...? Ryuuto Sakurabi was an Interhigh baseball player that failed to bring his team to win the finals for some uncertain reasons. Soon after, he lost his will and determination, leading to the end of his career.
(The third installment of TDIQL PROJECT) Aerith, the daughter of the infamous Joseph Brown takes the stage as the story revolves around her gruelling experiences battling against "The Government of Foreigners" to reclaim the region of Santrock. She joined a small group of meticulous people in SCAR Alliance called "Th...
(The second installment of TDIQL PROJECT) The story revolves around the siblings Joseph and Celia Brown as they face what may have been their greatest test yet. Revisiting again the unknown spaces of the "Hidden World" aka the afterlife. They would simultaneously cross between the borders of light and darkness to unc...
(The first installment of the TDIQL PROJECT) The story revolves around Joseph Brown as he drifted silently in the endless spaces of the "Hidden World", also known as the afterlife. While struggling to investigate why he ended up in this world, a memory of the past resurfaces about two ill-fated childhood friends, who...