Hidden Fortune
Marrying a Man she never met was never in her plans. But for her Mom she will do anything.
Marrying a Man she never met was never in her plans. But for her Mom she will do anything.
Read as the Taylor's navigate a busy lifestyle with their family and still make time only for each other
What started out as a Zatima Christmas Edition has now turned into a fall from Grace as Fatima battles the truth behind her mothers disappearance, her ex-boyfriends secrets, and how she overcome them all while falling in love with Zac and his son. Meanwhile Zac has his own problems with his baby momma and the stereoty...
After the big blowout between Karen, Fatima, & Zac that the Sista Circle & later on Aarom see play out in 6x09 post Fatima walking into her home very hostile and uninvited due to him letting her know about Karen asking Zac to come and make love to her earlier on that day. Once Fatima finally leaves, Zac not too far be...
Remember when Karen told Zac & Fatima back in Season 4 that we would see who gets the last word? Well this picks up in the current sixth season starting with my take on what may be said at the grocery store with Karen, Zatima, and Baby Michael. Read to see who ends up getting that along with the last laugh by the end...
Can mistakes of the past be erased for the future. Zac is a 50 year old married man with a 19 year old son Zachary jr. or ZJ for short. Fatima is a 41 year old married woman with two daughters Sh'Ani 12 and Cheynia 10 ? Both unhappily married find all that they want in each other but are the desires of the heart enoug...
Crystal and Devale are back! Working together at Saint Francis Hospital in Memphis, TN. The two must navigate through their relationship as newlyweds, while they make new friends and as old friends make an appearance.
Zac and Fatima have been broken up for a year but their hearts never truly left eachother. They cross paths again, will the fire that they one had still be there or did it slowly burn out? Read to find out!!!
We Back Zac Aaron Preston Gary Maurice and Niles. They are back and better then ever busy with there family
What if season 2 of Zatima on BET+ went down like this?... chile go get caught up on season 1 then sit back and enjoy this read while we await season 2!!!
Hey yall , this is my new Zatima account, the one that has Kota, Bryson, Fatima, Zac, and the twins, I decide to start fresh but still make it the same i will still have that account and post on it, I'm just going to have 2! (The real description) Follow the lives of Fatima and Zac while they face troubles in their re...
Everyone knows Fatima (sistas) and Madam (All the queens men) as the no nonsense, cut throat women. But what happened before they became who they are now? What changed them? What molded them? And how did they drift apart. Grand daughters of the infamous Queenpin Madam.
A story of black childhood love enduring with ups and Downs just like any relationship
Life of Fatima starting college freshman year then she met Zac....
This book is about zac and fatima from sistas I'm writing this for fun and because everybody loves them and because my last book didn't get attention but I hope yall enjoy this.
Welcome to the world of Money, Love and Deception. Zac was raised by the streets and in a broken home forced to grow up quick. The allure of the fast life pulled him into the world of schemes and hustling. When Zac finds himself fighting a case that lands him behind bars for 3 years he decides it's time for a change...
Follow Zac & Fatima as they navigate from becoming friends to lovers.
This is a story about a woman who has to choose loyalty or love... I guess just read and find out.
This story follows the lives of Zac and Fatima. WARNING: This story contains violence, sexual assault, profanity and is for mature audiences only!
Hey bookies, I know I make too many stories but y'all love me anyways 😪🙃