This Summer is about a regular teenage girl who expecting to have a normal summer break with her five friends, Until three weeks later...
A 12 year old boy in grade 6, named Tom goes through his boring life until a company changed it completely
Mike Schmidt, a drop out of high school. Mike is living in his sister's apartment spending everyday watching TV. Finally, his sister snapped and with a blink of an eye he needed a job. Where would he work? His sister threw the local newspaper at him and said - "You need a job!" He looked at the newspaper and finally s...
The Pembry woods are full of enchanted animals and scary people. No one ever goes in....... Until one day.
Smile to me is about a regular teenage boy named Dennis Wilson who finds himself falling in love with a girl named Jen Middleton who is a very shy girl with an arm disability, she only has her arm up to her elbow. They have a friendly relationship for 6months until.....