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  • Un cuento no tan perfecto de hadas
    4.7K 619 80

    Durante las grabaciones de Once Upon a Time , Lana Parrilla (Regina Mills/Evil Queen) y Josh Dallas (Príncipe Azul/David Nolan) comienzan a compartir más tiempo juntos en el set. Lo que comienza como una amistad profesional evoluciona en algo más profundo, desafiando sus propias expectativas y las barreras que supone...

  • Follow Your Heart
    3.3K 154 10

    This Story is about Regina and David, basically there is magic and there is a curse but, Regina is not the one who cast it, David and Regina were engaged in the Enchanted forest, but now I'm Storybrook they don't know each other, Regina starts having dreams that feel just like memories but she can't understand how the...

  • EvilCharming OneShots
    381 12 4

    Here are some David Nolan and Regina Mills one-shots Some will be fluff, but most will be smut.

  • Can't Afford To Love You
    3.3K 128 6

    Evil Charming After her Soulmate's tragic death, Regina Mills discovers that he has left behind more than memories. When the struggles of life begin to haunt her, she turns to an unexpected person to help her through her solitude. But can she keep her feelings at bay or risk ruining multiple lives?

  • On My Knees
    947 27 1

    Regina is about to be executed when she gets on her knees for Prince Charming. One shot I don't own any of these characters! I wish!

    Completed   Mature
  • The Returned
    1.3K 50 3

    Replot of "Queen Of Hearts" Cora came out the well, and with that, Regina's life was turned around, for better or worse, it was never the same. Mentions of Rape, abuse. Rated M for future chapters. Evilcharming endgame. Golden queen friendship

  • Is it possible?
    1.6K 105 3

    Modern day set AU where Regina Mills forgets her phone on the way home from work, turning back and causing her to find a man lying in the middle of the road. Rushing him the the hospital Regina stays by his side until the day he finally wakes up. Anyone else would hope for a romantic love story, but Regina doesn't bel...

  • Y como dicen : los opuestos se atraen .
    570 41 2

    Prologo: que pasaría si regina comenzara a sentir cosas por el esposo de su mas grande enemiga o peor que el también sintiera fuertes deseos hacia ella . Podrán ocultar lo que sienten y seguir con sus vidas o caerán a los pies del deseo .

  • Ojos color miel.
    71 6 1

    corto one-shot. un recuerdo donde David y Regina se conocieron antes que su vida fuese manejada a abtojos de otros. quizas mas adelante añada mas historias cortas o algun seguimiento de esto.

  • Stained Porcelain
    2.2K 124 4

    Charming has been imprisoned by Regina and once she gets rid of Snow, she gives him an ultimatum, leaving him confused about what his next step should be. A slow-burn EvilCharming story.

  • The curse is broken
    221 8 1

    Prince charming remembers everything but David Nolan must figure out the mess he was in with Regina mills during the last 28 years of his life.

  • EvilCharming Texting and Stories
    1.1K 38 13

    David and Regina texting each other

  • Beautiful Chaos(Ouat fanfic)
    2.7K 110 4

    "Kiss me. Infect me with your love. Fill me with your poison" Set after Snow, Charming and Regina return to their castle and begin to rule the kingdom together.

  • Charmed By A Shepard (OUAT Fanfic)
    8.9K 298 6

    Takes place after 2x05 'The Doctor'. Emma and Mary Margaret are gone and Charming left all by his lonesome but one night he finds Regina. Only its not the same 'Evil Queen' he's come to know. She has her walls down. Regina finds comfort in David and they both discover something deep within them...will this destroy eve...

  • O animal de estimação do pastor
    45 4 1

    David como o Escuro Culpada pela morte de Leopold e forçada a fugir, Regina é caçada pelo pastor de Snow... e dada a ele como recompensa. (One Short) Escrita por: harpergrey FANFIC RETIRADA DO SITE FANFICTION.NET TRADUZIDA 100% PELO GOOGLE TRADUTOR.

  • Una jóven y encantadora manzana
    1.4K 142 15

    Once upon a time una reina malvada condenó a todos los personajes de cuentos de hadas a un mundo sin finales felices para vengarse de blanca nieves por arrebatarle su primer amor, ahora ella le quitaría el suyo ¿Hasta donde llegará su deseo de venganza? ¿El odio es lo único que alberga su corazón? ¿Recuerdan la escena...

  • Je t'aime
    1.8K 102 5

    La serie Once Upon A Time y sus personajes no me pertenecen. Este es un fanfic Evil Charming que debe leer bajo su propio riesgo. Los acontecimientos de la serie han sido alterados casi en su totalidad con el fin de estructurar esta historia que es de mi autoría. [Regina conjuro su maldición por las razones equivocada...

  • Senhora Jones
    22.9K 845 19

    Killian Jones é um homem admirado no mundo dos negócios, conhecido por sua determinação e confiança em busca do sucesso. No entanto, por trás dessa imagem, existe um lado obscuro que poucos conhecem. Há doze anos, se casou com Regina Mills, filha de Henry Mills, um influente empresário. O império empresarial de Henry...

    12.2K 375 16

    A story based around Regina and David in the One Upon A Time episodes. This story involves around the relationship between Regina and David and how they hate one another and do nothing but argue, everyone knows them to be the worst pair to be around as they cause nothing but fuss and arguments. But what happens when s...

    Completed   Mature
  • I know how you feel \ EC
    169 4 1

    Snow has been dead for a couple of months and Regina and David have come closer and closer after his death.

  • Una cita (ONESHOT)(EvilCharming)
    1.1K 79 1

    David se ha divorciado de Snow y en Granny's escucha una conversación de Regina y su ex. Es un intento de salvarla de Snow, pero también una oportunidad que no puede dejar pasar.

    Completed   Mature
  • When the game changes
    35.1K 1.3K 26

    Slow burning Evil charming fanfic set from 1x20

  • My Forever (evilcharming)
    37.4K 813 26

    Enchanted forest evilcharming fanfiction

  • Finales Alternativos (EvilCharming)
    5K 368 51

    Se desarrolla seis meses después de que nace la hija de Robin y, Regina libera a Emma y Hook de la oscuridad. David queda viudo por una venganza, Emma y Killian se reconcilian, y Robin y Regina terminan. Amistad con la Reina Cisne, final con el Encantador Malvado. Está historia no me pertenece. Es una traducción de...

    Completed   Mature
  • In Darkness and Light
    1.3K 140 4

    En el intento por liberar a Gold de la Oscuridad, esta escapa en búsqueda de una nueva presa y termina atacando a Regina. Antes de que la Oscuridad acabe con ella, es salvada por una inesperada intervención que termina convirtiendose en el nuevo Oscuro.

  • Perdoname
    2.3K 227 26

    David no se fue después de que Regina le hiciera lasaña, ahora tienen que lidiar con las consecuencias de esa noche. Escrita por @EvilCharmingFic

    Completed   Mature
  • Everything Happens For A Reason
    709 26 1

    Evil charming fan fiction

  • Endings twisted.
    853 23 1

    Episode 1x20 What happens if David and Regina did actually kissed. Smut warning.

  • 💙One Shots Evilcharming👑
    668 57 6

    Varias historias de amor de: Evilcharming👑 Josh y Lana 🌷

  • Cuando se añora un amor
    1.9K 204 27

    Inspirada en la canción Cuando nadie ve, interpretada por Morat

    Completed   Mature