The Guide to Wattpad (& Creative Writing)
Since 2013, this Wattpad Guide has offered writers, just like you, helpful writing tips & techniques, across 60+ chapters, to improve your writing ability and Wattpad success.
Since 2013, this Wattpad Guide has offered writers, just like you, helpful writing tips & techniques, across 60+ chapters, to improve your writing ability and Wattpad success.
This book will contain chapter upon chapter of writing tips for you and all your writing needs! These tips and tricks can be both from myself and from other sites that I would have searched upon All websites I have copied from are mentioned before each chapter, so if there is no mention, it is most likely from myself...
This book contains -Words to use instead of said, says, went, etc -Personalities -Characteristics - words to describe movement, looks, body language and more. and a whole lot of other things.
Enjoy your writing! ☺ 2022. Help from a Watty Award-Winning Author, Wattpad Creator, and long-tenured Senior Wattpad Ambassador. Fresh updates periodically! High ranks: #1 Nonfiction, #1 Critique, #1 Tips, #1 WritingTips, #1HowTo ☛ Writing Tips and Tricks ☛ How to Be a Happy Writer ☛ How to Promote Your Story on Watt...
I'm here to teach you how to describe a character when you're writing. Please comment if you think that I am missing any descriptions in any of the lists.