reasons why pink grill needs more love then she gets (first Mina Ashido book)
ooooooh boy
Un dia comun y corriente aparecen engendros de otra clase de especie en Elmore , por que?será que el patio de alguno de los engendros haya sido invadido por alguna amenaza? Como pudieron mezclarse ambos mundos?sera el fin ? Pd:Esto contiene un alto contenido de sida,cancer,gonorrea,ebola,sifilis,etc, se recomienda dis...
A boy at age 13 finds his true love... Who or WHAT is it? Find out NOW. (Crack fic)
dedicated to @AshMatsuoka and her otp dandio Edit: I didn't think so much people would see this but I read all your comments and I'm glad u enjoy it thanks for the support and let's all pray for Joey jojo
Som of ur fucboi Neets R hrony becuz dry want DA secs fr0m ichiyoyo. I donut owN USUMUTSU-SON.