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  • Random Stuff That Gives Me Life
    408 43 10

    (Anyone get the cover?) Hi. This is my new book full of random stuff. References, jokes, thoughts, challenges, and probably a pyramid scheme. If this is how you found my account, awesome. If not, awesome, this isn't you're first impression of ne lol. Carry on :)

  • PLEASE READ!!!!!!!
    296 36 1

    Please read, it's very important!!! No I haven't rick rolled you or anything!

  • Top 5 ways to prevent suicidal thoughts
    283 30 2

    learn to read the title.

  • uncontrollable ,, original af
    501 29 4

    C L O S E D - ❝ how did i do that ?! ❞ ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ UNCONTROLLABLE : an applyfic where a few teenagers wake up with superpowers. they have to learn how to control them while also keeping it all a secret... #1 in "apply" (26/9/2022)