ningún personaje me pertenese, la historia es miá. Rosalie x bella. aventura y romanse. Contiene lemmon.
ningún personaje me pertenese, la historia es miá. Rosalie x bella. aventura y romanse. Contiene lemmon.
Rosalie Hale ha vivido una vida de arrepentimientos. El más grande es que se negó a aceptar el vínculo de pareja con Bella Swan.Años después de la muerte de Bella, Rosalie todavía está abrumada por el dolor y la culpa. Culpa, porque si acababa de confesar sus sentimientos por la chica, todavía estaría viva. ¿Qué suced...
Que pasaría si Leah Clearwater al mismo tiempo que Sam entrara en fase y se dieran cuenta que no son pareja y llevarán una relación amistosa sana. Que pasaría si Edward matará a Isabella el día que la dejo en el bosque, porqué se enteró que Leah se imprimió a bella, porque sabe que no es su compañera sino su tua cant...
Anthony Stark descobre que tem uma filha após ser sequestrado e mantido em cativeiro, essa filha é a S/N Stark, S/N se torna uma vingadora e tem varias aventuras ao lado do pai e de seus companheiros de equipe, além de ter alguns capítulos dedicados a brincadeiras e interação dos personagens espero que se divirtam len...
Si quieres ver de que se trata esta historia te invito a que la leas . LOS PERSONAJES PERTENECES A STEPHENIE MEYER ESPERO QUE LES GUSTE Y LE DEN SU APOYO
Após Edward deixar Isabella na floresta, a garota se vê perdida, tentando sobreviver, lidando com a saudade da família que virou seu mundo de cabeça pra baixo.. Tentando voltar a viver, uma tragédia acontece e agora Isabella tem que lidar sozinha com um novo mundo, novas possibilidades e em meio as suas novas aventura...
The Cullens were playing with Bella? Bella dies and Fate sends her back to live the life she was supposed to and Bella wants revenge. Leah/Bella. (I do not own twilight or its characters) (any characters beyond the twilight cast is my own and any ideas are my own also)
everyone thought bella was a normal, clumsy human, but she isn't. turns out edward might not be her mate. who is? find out what happens when bella tells you about her real life not the fake one living with Charlie.
Bella swan moves to forks to escape the clutches of her mother and her life in Arizona. She's filled with trauma and somehow stumbles into the clutches of the beautiful vampire, Rosalie Hale. This is the story of Bella learning to live again after her abuse, and having a good set of friends around while she heals.
"Você não é suficiente" Era isso que Bella Swan escutou ao ser deixada para trás por Edward, tanto ele quanto sua família a tinha abandonado. E se Lua Nova fosse um pouco diferente e Bella simplesmente mudasse da agua para o vinho em menos de um ano? E se nisso ela descobrisse o por que sempre o perigo a perseguia? e...
Bella va ha Italia con su hermanita del alma para terminar de olvidar a los Cullen y entrar a la universidad cuando en un recorrido conoce a los Vulturi y los Vulturi finalmente encuentran a su luz en la oscuridad. Iniciada: 14 de agosto de 2023 Finalizado: ??
Edward Cullen me dejo en me dio del bosque, Victoria fue por mí y asesino a mi padre, Jacob me tuvo como su "Novia indefensa" sin mi propio consentimiento, Desaparecí para todos y tiempo después, volví siendo las sombras que no te dejaran al menos que mueras.
luego de que los Cullen se fueran de forks y Edward dejara a bella abandonada en el bosque ,está cae en una gran depresión,que provoca grandes cambios en ella ,pero que pasará cuando el destino le ponga en su camino algo que jamás espero
Victoria isn't trying to kill Bella anymore but is friends with her this is a Bella/Tanya/Kate/Irena ship Sorry if the fan fiction sucks
S/n Stark, filha de Tony Stark morava longe de seu pai com sua mãe numa casa humilde. Um dia s/n estava andando pela cidade até que começou um tiroteio que acerta em sua testa, s/n pensou que ia morrer na hora, mas conseguiu andar até sua casa adormecendo no chão, quando acordou percebeu que o ferimento do tiro tinha...
Bella is questioning her relationship after Edward's near-attempt on her life when he nearly drained her dry on that ballet studio floor. One day, she goes to hang out with Jacob when confronted with the inhuman nature of Sam and his 'gang'. Called out on her knowledge, she wonders why she can't keep her eyes off a ce...
Twilight Saga Após o abandono de Edward, Bella precisa escolher entre a dor e a liberdade. 'Reféns da Dor ' é uma jornada de 30 capítulos ou mais ,onde ela enfrentará seus medos, descobrirá um amor inesperado e se reinventará ao lado de Victoria sua inimiga não tão mortal assim Nessa jornada de autopromoção, traição...
Bella Swan is coasting by in this life. She just wants to graduate high school without anyone paying too much attention to her. Moving to Forks and quietly finishing high school is now a part of the plan. What isn't part of the plan is a beautiful blonde vampire with an apparent soft spot for a certain brunette. Rosel...
Edward leaves bella and Jacob ignore her now so she movies away. She has a few secrets which you will find out in the book. This is my first fanfic so please tell me what you think. I don't own any of the twilight or vampire diaries characters. ☺
When Edward left Bella she got lost in the woods and stumbled upon a road. What happens when she runs into a certain street racer? What will happen if they run into the Cullens? And what will the Cullens say when they see a totaly different Bella racing?
Alice and Jasper take Bella to Phoenix to hide out while the rest of the family hunts James. But there's one thing Jasper knows that will blindside even his seer of a wife. How will Bella feel when she learns the truth? And will Alice accept that maybe the future is best left in the hands of fate?
Set after Cullen's leave in New Moon. Bella is done waiting for the Cullen's to return. She throws herself back into school, work and being a normal teenager. After she graduates she gets accepted to Texas Southern University. Jasper is a History Professor at Texas Southern University. After leaving Forks and Bella be...
Set in Breaking Dawn before the wedding takes place. Jasper and Alice called it quits after leaving when he tried to "attack" Bella at her party. He told her that he wasn't falling for her mind games anymore. They both knew they weren't mates and he wouldn't stay with her anymore. He didn't tell her that his mate was...
This is a Bella x the lost boys story if you don't liKe it well you don't have to read oh and it is also a ddlg book as well💋
Even as a human Bella is powerful. She will bring peace to the world. Where vampires can walk amongst the humans. She will bring peace to all but there are those who do not want that and will do anything to stop it. What will happen when Bella is hurt? Who is her mate? Edward left her in the woods saved by peter. She'...
What happens if Bella has three mates and Edward is not one of them but a control freak.
What if for a vampire to die they had to burn their whole body. What if the Cullens didn't burn all of James' body. What if when Edward left Bella someone was there and turned her into a vampire to once Edward had left. What if they meet up again 100 years later. What if Bella and James were mates the whole time. Is i...
What happens when at the party in Eclipse Bella catches Edward cheating on her with Rosalie? Will Eddies shiny Volvo survive her wrath? Bella leaves and comes back new and inproved, and with the man she was meant for. Why are the Cullens so mad at Emmett? And will the wolves allow Emmett and Bella back into Forks?
When the Cullen's leave Bella in New Moon. She realizes that she's not done with the world that has left her behind. Now living with her mother, Renee, in Jacksonville, Florida. The Michaels come to town, they will ensnare Bella into their dark, secretive world. Maybe, Bella will finally belong.