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  • Time Junction (Not finishing anymore, sorry)
    7.4K 574 8

    When Wilma "Will" Robinson is handed a pocket watch one stormy evening, she never expects herself to be thrown back in time to a parallel universe of sixteenth century England. Trapped in a dark world of communism, betrayal and lies, she discovers that there is also a hidden and deadly society of magic wielders that t...

  • Counting Heartbeats
    263 19 5

    Liliya Sinclaire, a sixteen-year-old from the small city of Rathford, has never really had it easy. Being born was hard, living was hard, figuring out who she is was hard. Why should love be any different? But she knows this time. She knows what she wants. She only has to wait fro the who -or which who? It's just a m...

  • Love, Lust and Zombie Guts.
    291K 6.4K 22

    How many hours are in a day when you don't spend half of them watching television? When is the last time any of us really worked for something that we wanted? How long had it been since any of us really needed something that we wanted? The world we knew is gone. The world of commerce and frivolous necessity has been r...
