Marvel & Wattpad's Wolverine vs Hulk
The Hulk goes on a destructive rampage in the world. Myra Hill asks Rizmi for help to kill Hulk, a monstrous forest demon that Doctor Iean was supposedly investigating there.
The Hulk goes on a destructive rampage in the world. Myra Hill asks Rizmi for help to kill Hulk, a monstrous forest demon that Doctor Iean was supposedly investigating there.
Khalish's journey as he navigates the challenges of heroism amidst identity revealed, personal loss and redemption.
Political involvement in the Avengers' affairs causes a rift between Captain Malaya and Metal Man.
While on a journey of physical and spiritual healing, a brilliant neurosurgeon is drawn into the world of the mystic arts.
As Cicakman grapples with shadows from his past, a new threat emerges, unraveling a web of vendettas that transcends generations.
The X-Men must defeat an ancient all-powerful mutant, En Sabah Nur, who intends to thrive through bringing destruction to the world.
When they receive a distress signal from the distant planet Xandar, they are thrust into a perilous cosmic adventure. Facing the ruthless warlord Annihilus and cosmic adversaries, they explore uncharted realms, confront moral dilemmas, and forge alliances with cosmic beings.
Follow the journey of Khalish Ar-Razi, also known as Star-Lord, as he assembles a ragtag team of heroes, including Zamira, Arthys, Groot, and Rocket Racoon. Together, they must protect the universe from a looming threat, wielding powerful artifacts and facing formidable foes.
Follow the journey of Badrul Hisham, a college student who gains incredible powers after a mysterious encounter. With the ability to turn invisible, teleport, change size, and lift heavy objects, Badrul becomes the enigmatic vigilante Badang.
The Avengers face a new threat when their own creation, Ultron, goes rogue and seeks to destroy humanity.
2 years after the events of Marvel & Wattpad's Avengers. Khalish Iman, aka Spender-Man, as he faces unexpected challenges, including the emergence of a clone created by a sinister scientist, Dr. Oliver Tree. With high-stakes battles, complex relationships, and a heartfelt romance, the novel explores identity, heroism...
In a world where mutants where are evolved super-powered humans exist and are discriminated against, two groups form for an inevitable clash: the supremacist Brotherhood, and the pacifist X-Men.
Captain Malaya, Malaysia's iconic superhero, joins forces with S.H.I.E.L.D. to confront a powerful new threat. As secrets unravel and alliances are tested, Arif and his team must stop a sinister plot that could change the world's fate. This action-packed sequel is a thrilling blend of espionage, heroism, and a quest f...
After the events of "Marvel & Wattpad's Avengers," Aqil Muhtadi, also known as Metal Man, faces a new formidable adversary, the Mandarin. With explosive attacks, Extremis experiments, and high-stakes rescues, the story takes us on a rollercoaster ride of heroism and sacrifice. As Aqil and his allies battle the Mandari...
After the battle of Kuala Lumphattan. Ams grapples with cosmic forces, sibling bonds, and the fate of the universe, Ams must navigate the convergence of realms, the power of the Aether, and the emergence of a formidable foe in Malekith.
When a formidable adversary threatens Earth's safety, a diverse group of superheroes, including Captain Malaya, Metal Man, Spender-Man, and more, must come together as the Avengers. As they clash with evil forces and navigate their own conflicts, they discover the true meaning of heroism while protecting humanity from...
In Earth-4848, Iean Aqish, a genetics researcher with a tragic past, suffers an accident that causes him to transform into a raging green monster when he gets angry.
Follow the life of Muhammad Khawarizmi, known as Rizmi, who transforms into the iconic Wolverine after a tragic series of events. With intense battles, complex family dynamics, and a quest for identity, this movie combines heart-pounding action with a gripping narrative, offering a fresh take on one of Marvel's most b...
Khalish Iman's journey as Spender-Man when he's ensnared by a malevolent symbiote, leading to a battle between his heroic self and the darkness within.
Dr. Syed Muhammad Mr. Fantastic's cosmic storm mission grants him, Anis' Invinsible Woman, Aqiel's Human Torch, and Izzul's Thing extraordinary powers. As the Fantastic Four, they battle personal demons and a city engulfed in darkness. A confrontation with the enigmatic Doctor Doom, wielding cosmic energies, tests the...
"Cicakman 2: Klon Escape" takes readers on a gripping journey through the darkest corners of Kuala Lumphattan. A year after the climactic battle at Klon Tower, the city's fragile peace is shattered as Professor Klon, the malevolent Kingpin of crime, orchestrates a daring escape from prison. As shadows envelop the city...
In the realm of Earth-4848, Ams Mubasir, akin to Thor, battles identity crises, confronts banishment, and sacrifices godhood for Earth's safety. Bonds tested by betrayal and redemption shape a tale of cosmic battles, forbidden realms, and unwavering friendship. As realms intertwine, destiny weaves a saga of sacrifice...
In the thrilling sequel, "Metal Man: Armor Wars," Aqil Muhtadi, known as Metal Man, uses his advanced armor to negotiate global peace and resurrect his father's dream. Amid immense popularity, Aqil faces new challenges, from government scrutiny to a vengeful adversary. As he battles powerful foes, Aqil confronts perso...
"Captain Malaya: Pengawal Kebebasan" is a thrilling and thought-provoking superhero origin story set in the late 19th century in Malaysia. As a young man, Arif Muizuddin faces adversity and British colonial rule, leading him to enlist in the Tanah Melayu Army. After a transformative experiment, he becomes Captain Mala...
"Metal Man" is an action-packed superhero origin story set in Earth-4848's bustling city of Kuala Lumphattan. Meet Aqil Muhtadi, a brilliant inventor who unwittingly becomes entangled in the deadly web of a nefarious villain, Wong-Chu. Captured and forced to build powerful weapons, Aqil harnesses his technical genius...
In the vibrant city of Kuala Lumphattan, a young man named Khalish Iman discovers he has inherited extraordinary powers, becoming the masked hero known as Spender-Man. Balancing his personal life with his duty to protect the city, Spender-Man faces new challenges, unexpected alliances, and a formidable foe. Inspired b...
Nazihah Ardini, a skilled military warrior with dreams of soaring through the skies. Unbeknownst to her, a chance encounter with the enigmatic Captain Mar-Vell leads to an unexpected fusion of Kree energies, granting her incredible powers beyond imagination. As the high-flying superhero, Chempiang, she embraces her de...
"Cicakman Returns" is an epic tale set in the vibrant city of Kuala Lumphattan, where Hairi Yatim leads a double life as a courageous lawyer by day and a fearless vigilante known as Cicakman by night. Gifted with heightened senses after a life-altering accident, Cicakman protects the innocent and fights against the ri...
In this thrilling reboot, follow the epic tale of Spender-Man, a young Malaysian hero with extraordinary powers. Set in the bustling metropolis of Kuala Lumphattan, witness Khalish Iman's journey as he balances high school life with his newfound responsibilities as Spender-Man. Faced with formidable foes, personal los...