Bible Verses
My favorite Bible verses
Over 50 Famous Bible stories ( I just Jumped around on which I pick and of course all the stories are important) - Verse from Bible gateway
This is a summary of all bible stories. This was originally developed by RIZQI and powered by ANDROMO. An application everyone may download from the google store. The first time I read this I find it more easy to understand. Hope you find the same. Let's grow together in our spiritual walk with God. God bless us all.
Bible Stories in Drama are religious and educative bible based stories for the young ones and as well the older people. The author Lady Janet Ikejiaku is inspired by her love for children. She seek to see how the young ones can embrace the realities in the scripture through practical approach. This text bridge the gap...
Welcome to bible study with me. Where we can grow our faith together. Come on take a peek in this book.
This is a journey that I walk. I start from a believer to a Christian and this is a narrative of my journey and how my beliefs change over time. I welcome any one and everyone to share in the journey. My journey is all about God and His Word. Anyone is welcome to correct me where I need correction and support me where...
This is a bible study program for experienced Christians and people who don't even know God. Hope this helps you out a lot. Check my 1st chapter for more information.