Don't Mess With The Wrong Person - Book 2 -Larry AU
Harry runs the city , Louis makes him soft . Mess with Louis and you're in for it . ~~ Thank you so much for liking this book , love you all ❣️
Harry runs the city , Louis makes him soft . Mess with Louis and you're in for it . ~~ Thank you so much for liking this book , love you all ❣️
Louis és Harry karácsonykor nem tud hazajutni. Megszakítják az ünnepek miatt a turnét, de egy egyhetes szünetnél többet még így sem kapnak. Mit szeretnél karácsonyra? A szeretteik által feltett kérdést azonban mégsem válaszolhatják meg szabadon. Popsztárok, világhírűek, mindenük megvan, nemde? De Louis és Harry csak t...
Harry runs the city , Louis makes him soft . Mess with Louis and you're in for it . ~~ Started off as an Imagine in my other book , but readers loved it so much I decided to make it a ficlet 🚨There's no chronological order for the parts , some are from earlier stages of their relationship , some are from later stages...
Harry has a crush on a close friend , Tom . But then Tom gets a boyfriend , and Harry is quite jealous , so now he wants to make Tom jealous of him . That's when Louis gets into the picture without knowing what he's getting into . Things go downhill for Harry when his crush on Tom goes away and he finds himself fallin...
It's a quiet night at the fire station , 1:30 a.m , everyone is asleep after a long day , when there's a sudden call . "Code White , house is on fire , the whole family is trapped inside ." Harry , Liam and Oli jump from their seats and grab their black Amber suit , getting in the fire truck and quickly leaving the st...
Louis went through a traumatic event when he was eleven , which made him selectively mute and shut himself out ever since . He acknowledges his brother and step father , though no one else . Harry moves into the house across the road from the Tomlinson-Payne's , and took an interest in Louis from the moment he saw him...
Louis (21) lives on the street. His parents did not accept him as bisexual, so he was evicted. The only thing he could quickly take with him was his phone. Since then he's following Harry Styles (19) - from the world famous band one direction - on Instagram. But what happens when Harry notices him? • One Direction...
Harry Styles várja hogy valaki bejelentkezzen a Decemberi hónapra ami mindig unalmasan telik. A 8 faház mind üres, a tó be van fagyva és még barátja, Zayn is haza megy az ünnepekre. Ám November 29-én valaki kibérel egy faházat egész Decemberre... Harry nem tudja mi vár rá az új ember érkeztével de reméli a legjobbakat...
Egy fiatal diplomata, aki New Yorkba várja a családját karácsonyra, ám a lakása rideg és szürke. Egy kis segítségre van szüksége, hogy a manhattani otthonba is eljusson a karácsony. Melyik a jobb választás? Egyedül, vagy egy kedves idegennel tölteni az ünnepet? ● Az extra fejezetben felnőtt tartalom ● ● Homoszexuális...
OR IS IT?? Basically these are some smutty/kinky/fluffy Larry one shots. I'll do request so don't be shy and share your kinky desires.
Harry wrote Two Ghosts at the end of 2013. He told us that the song's about "the first time he broke up with me." This is that story. Purely fictional of course.
I realized that I haven't written a story based on Harry's song Medicine. Just a short dribble. Warning: Smut
Harry needed a place to live and was getting desperate. That was when he found an ad online with an odd solution. A guy named Louis was renting out his place to someone with a 9-17 job. He worked nights. So they would share the flat (and bed) but not at the same time. That could actually work! So Harry moved in withou...
@eerbooks asked me to write a story where one of them is a driver for the other. Louis moved to London and got a job as Harry Styles (famous artist) personal driver. He thought that he would be a rude celebrity but to his surprise, Harry was really sweet. A special shoutout to @Harold4President who asked me to inclu...
|Larry Stylinson| Louis egy meleg énekes, Harry kedvenc énekese. A férfi a göndör városkájában is fellép. Harry hetek óta a koncertre készül, de nem számít arra, hogy milyen kiváltságos helyzetben fog részesülni... A két fiatal története keresztezi egymást egy napig, majd ismét elválnak útjaik.
|Larry Stylinson| Egy fiú aki utálja az embereket? Nem. Egy fiú aki fél az emberektől? Talált, süllyedt.
Louis new roommate is rude and mean and has no boundaries. He keeps walking in on him when he has sex, even if he puts a sock on the doorknob. They fight all the time and he is driving him insane. But the thing is, he's also kind of hot...which is really confusing because Louis doesn't find men hot or sexy, and he def...
Louis Tomlinson's manager Roger is tired of Louis' sweats and hoodies and hires a stylist for him. Harry Styles is like no one Louis has ever met before and he's so confused. Is this attraction he is feeling? Purely fictional. Some smut warning.
Louis Tomlinson egy fő táncos A Királyi Balettnál. Amikor a riválisa, a szeszélyes csodagyerek táncos, Harry, csatlakozik a társasághoz, régi sebek szakadnak fel, és régi szenvedélyek veszik át az uralmat. Miközben a társaság a Hattyúk Taván dolgozik, a titok, ami kudarcba hajtotta szerelmüket végre fényre derül. De v...
Harry is scary. Or he's at least intimidating, with his long curly hair and piercing green eyes. People tend to be shy and nervous around him, so when he meets a small lad with cheek bones he's not prepared for the opposite to happen. OR The one where long haired Harry is his usual intense self but straight, or so he...
"Um...can I sit here? Pwease," the four year old harry asks. "This seat is taken," the six year old louis lies. - all rights reserved © softiesharry 2020
babyhoneyharry: you only like me because you want inside my pants cockytommo: no I also like you because you have a dick in those pants 😏 Harry is insecure and hates everything about himself, but meets Louis when he's on a website to make friends. Louis is cocky and only wants to fuck Harry, at first, then he just...
Azt mondják, a vakrandik 67%-a kudarcba fullad. Úgy tűnik, ez Harry és Louis esetében sincs másképp, tekintve, hogy már az első találkozásuk is szerencsétlenre sikeredett. Azonban egy véletlen folytán mégsem szabadulnak egymástól, sőt... . . . . . . . . - Larry, tehát homoszexualitást tartalmaz! - Előfordulhat benne 1...
where a five year old harry styles ends up at the wrong table with the wrong set of pancakes and ends up meeting seven year old louis tomlinson. ©️2018 all rights reserved idea from a post on google started: may 10th 2018 finished: may 24th 2018 Story cover credit: Bubblegumhaz #4 in louisandharry (3/20/19/
"Harry... were you checking my brother out?" The one where Harry Styles falls for his best friends older brother; Louis Tomlinson and when she finds out she's surprisingly not mad, but instead wants to help him get closer to Louis to get Louis to fall for him as well. translations soon to be available in: - italian ...
Larry Stylinson OneShotok lefordítva 5000 szószám alattiak Szabadfordítás :) Minden kredit az eredeti íróké
When Harry first met the popular singer, Louis Tomlinson, he never thought that he would become such a big impact on him and his daughter lives. ALL OF MY COVERS ARE MADE BY: @Larry_Smilinson
Azoknak a írásaimnak a gyűjtőhelye, amik csak egy-egy kis rövidke történetet foglalnak magukba és nem elég hosszúak ahhoz, hogy egy teljes könyvet készítsek nekik. Csak a Larry párosítás lesz a főszerepben, de említés szintjén előfordulhatnak más shipek is. • ‼️ Előfordulhat: •Homoszexualitás •Szexuális kapcsolat •Trá...