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  • Friends With Benefits(JF Harry's P.O.V.)
    98.3K 8.7K 47

    A guy and a girl can be just friends. But at one point or another, they will fall for each other. Maybe temporally, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever.

  • LOVERS (Niall Horan I sezona)
    195K 11.9K 48

    Znali su se od rođenja. Bili su najbolji prijatelji, a kasnije se prepustili strastvenoj vezi. Mislili su da njihov zajednički život tek počinje. Ali jedna noć i jedan trenutak nepažnje učinili su da se njihovi životni putevi zauvek rastave. Ili je barem on tako mislio. Sve dok sudbina nije odlučila da malo umeša svoj...

  • YOU CHANGED ME (Harry Styles II sezona)
    426K 18.5K 47

    I watched you changed. You've become another person. And I'm glad you did. You know why? Cause that means you're finally realising that you actually love me. And how much I want you. And I don't mean like sex. I physically and emotionally just want you. I want the way we cuddle, laugh and love. I want our petty fights...

  • JUST FRIENDS (Harry Styles I sezona)
    474K 19.4K 46

    ''Just friends'', huh? Well ''just friends'' don't steal secret glances at each other. ''Just friends'' don't get jealous when the other one talks about someone else. ''Just friends'' don't get butterflies from each other. ''Just friends'' don't hold each other like that. ''Just friends''? Yeah, right.
