Mystery of the river blossoms
Like a flower that wilts and fades, life can be unpredictable and impermanent. It's important to appreciate the beauty around us while we can, to cherish the people we love, and to live every day to the fullest. ...
Like a flower that wilts and fades, life can be unpredictable and impermanent. It's important to appreciate the beauty around us while we can, to cherish the people we love, and to live every day to the fullest. ...
In the glittering world of Regency-era London, where titles and appearances mean everything, the Cavendish family guards a secret that could unravel their entire legacy. Octavius Cavendish, the firstborn and only child of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, carries the weight of the family name with a burden unlike an...
Twilight X Marvel Crossover Rosalie x Op Reader G!P A/n: I don't own any characters from twilight nor marvel.
Jayden Love hates her school life. At school, she is bullied physically and emotionally. She's different. has been since she was born. Not only does she have silver hair and pale silver eyes, she's a futa and a rogue. Both her mother's found her in the forest when she was abandoned, wrapped in a silver blanket with t...
VERY SLOW UPDATE 🔞⚠️⚠️⚠️ (we all know what this signs are for) "I do not want the throne.I would rather have a simple life with you my beautiful,sweet wife.The realm can burn for all I care.You,our family will always come first.Alway.My Heart" -Ereagon Targaryen . . . "My fearless,gentle wife.I do not care where...
Ainda é um mistério como surgiram os vampiros ou lobisomens, mas não para todos! Camila Cabello quando humana era uma bruxa boa e gentil. Por morrer durante um ritual inacabado, sem chances de se explicar ao povo do vilarejo que a condenara, a garota ingênua deixou de existir. Sua existência desencadeou grandes fatore...
Quando Riley Calloway se muda para manhattan, para morar com seu pai. Sua vida muda drasticamente ao reencontrar Serena com quem estudou no colégio interno no ano passado e também conhece Blair Waldorf com quem não se dá bem logo de cara. "É como dizem o ódio e o amor andam lado a lado." XO XO Gossip Girl.
Charlie set aside both her food and Meredith's, then took the intern's hand and intertwined their fingers. "We're a good fit and I appreciate your point," she said, taking a deep breath before confessing, "I've been in therapy since I was a child because of my temper issues, which have been a struggle for me since I w...
E se o Pod da Kara fosse encontrado cinco séculos depois da sua chegada a Terra?
A Ordem é uma irmandade milenar, cujo objetivo é oferecer conforto, cura e proteção as pessoas. Seus membros são admirados e respeitados, e têm permissão para cruzar qualquer reino em segurança. Virnan e Marie são membros dessa irmandade e estão prestes a viverem os dias mais negros de sua história, pois um exército...