Just me, her & the moon | druig
"Yours is the light which my spirit's born: you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars." -E.E.Cummings druig x oc eternal spoilers
"Yours is the light which my spirit's born: you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars." -E.E.Cummings druig x oc eternal spoilers
When two eternals reunite and fall in love all over again. "Do you still love me?" "I don't think I ever stopped." (Druigxoc)
The heart and mind of the team. Druig controls minds while y/n is an empath, together the pair is unstoppable, but divided they'll fall. What happens to the duo when Druig leaves his past behind while y/n holds on tight? Will they come back together? Or will they always be pulled apart?