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  • Un assurdo week-end di quell'estate
    11.3K 1K 10

    Quando il professor Takeda annuncia ai ragazzi della Karasuno di essere in procinto di sposarsi, il coach Ukai decide di organizzargli un week end di partite, divertimento e buon cibo per l'addio al celibato, in compagnia dei suoi colleghi della Nekoma, dell'Aoba Johsai e della Fukurodani. Ma mentre gli adulti sono im...

  • War of Beasts: Tarragon | 112432017
    653 18 2

    Three kingdoms live on the brink of war, only held together by a peace treaty created to keep harmony balanced. In the kingdom of Tarragon, where the power of Animas rule supreme, the Crown Prince ascends to his throne. **Follow MayDayVoice on YouTube for a more in-depth look into the connections to this world** **PLE...

  • Kuroo Tetsurou x reader (HAIKYUU!)
    193K 13.4K 58

    NUOVI CAPITOLI IN ARRIVO Sei una ragazza che grazie ad una borsa di studio ha la possibilitá di studiare un anno intero a Tokyo. Qui tra nuovi amici ed esperienze vivrai una vita totalmente nuova e ricca di emozioni. Se vuoi scoprire come conoscerai Kuroo, leggi la storia!

  • 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ↬ 𝘹𝘪𝘢𝘰.
    163K 6.2K 19

    [IDOL! XIAO x PIANIST! READER] After such a long time of loving 4NEMO, Y/n gets to meet her idols after one of their concerts. But of course, something has to go wrong. Because of the "incident", Xiao ends up with Y/n's number and a promise to do any favors he asks of her. And after Sucrose quits, 4NEMO is left withou...

  • || Rebuilding Your Heart ||
    2.9K 114 18

    [Name] [L/Name] a CEO of a high end fashion company, owning buildings, and overseeing lots of people as she make money left and right. Her sharp tongue assistant made her day every time she was ever down. Alhaitham who is [Name]'s personal assistant/secretary and also one of her closest friends seeing as she knew each...
