Sonsuz Yolculuğun Başlangıcı
Enkayın gençlik hikayesi
عشقته و أذاها... و كم أحبت أذيته.. أهانها و خانها.. ضربها و تخلى عنها.. و لم يزدها ذلك إلا هياما له.. كانت غلطتها عشقها لسادي بلا رحمة.. أدركت ذلك لكن لقلبها كان رأي آخر.. لكن الحب و الكرامة لا يلتقيان.. حملت ما تبقى من كرامتها و عزة نفسها.. و تزوجت من الذي يحبها.. لكن كيف ستستطيع التحكم في مشاعرها عندما تكتشف بأن ج...
يجبرها على الزواج منه بحجة أن ابنته تحبها وانها تستطع اسعادها . هنا يجتمع زعيم المافيا قاسي القلب والمرعب بارد المشاعر ، بنسمة هواء رقيقة وردة في بستان حديقة . صفقة زواج ينص عقدها انه سيطلقها بعد فترة غير محددة من الزواج وانه سيسدد ديون والدها ويخرجه من السجن وفي المقابل هي ستعتني بابنته وتهتم بها وبتفاصيلها الصغيرة و...
İnsandır ki onca kötülüğüne rağmen birini sever. Ben ki onca kötü görünüşüme rağmen birini severim. İnsanlar hep bana bunu söyler . Ancak bu doğru değil. Ben nasıl olursam olayım ve ya kim nasıl olursa olsun herkes insanın içini görmeli. Dışını değil içini sevmeli. İşte o zaman gerçek sevgiyi tadar insanoğlu. Bense ne...
❝İnsan, hayatının gidişatına hükümsüz dokunuşlarıyla yön vermeye çalışırken asıl ipi zaman eline alırdı. Zamanın getirdikleri, götürdükleri ve hemen ardından bir armağan misali insanın avuçlarının arasına bıraktıkları, yok sayılan dokunuşlara bedeldi. Kimine göre geç kimine göre erken nükseden bu dokunuşlar, sonucunda...
Hello, kitaba başlamaya bir anda karar verdim ne kadar sürer bilmiyorum ama umarım beğenirsiniz. Bazı bölümlerde +18 olacak.İyi okumalar 💗
Durabilir miyim sessiz, sence bu yanlışlara? Duramam hiç karşımda, olsa da tüm cellatlar? Sevebilirim hep seni, değişsen de bu kadar Aşka gönül vermişim, söyle başka yol mu var?
All the time in the world can pass, but there are some things Ender still cannot face... [ONE SHOT]
When Sahika and Ender have an arranged marriage to merge their parents' companies. Sahika does not intend to ever fall in love so her only plan is to fake it until she can use her favorite weapon, poison and get rid of Ender. Ender is however starstruck from the first moment she sees Sahika and so she falls in love, h...
-in that moment ender decided to let şahika in. the main thing about decision though, they have consequences...
So at this point, I am going to start from when Sahika has first come back to turkey and I am going to change Sahika into a little bit kind. Sahika is going to have trouble keeping up with Halit, Yildiz and the others. One more thing I know when Sahika is introduced she is where there is no Hassan Ali, Sedai, Mahmut...
Ender was quick to notice, sneaky scorpion, hence she purred her name in that seductive manner. Three syllables that when enunciated properly had Şahika's knees weak and heartbeat accelerating. She never loved her name more than when Ender said it. Nobody but her could make it sound so heavenly, especially when it was...
She's alone again, but tonight, the dark isn't quite so lonely.
A collection of unrelated oneshots and drabbles about our favorite duo because they're happy and they're married in my head<3 As always, requests are open.
(خارج احداث المسلسل)عادت اندر الى حياة بعد ما ظن الجميع انها ماتت وعاد كل شخص الى حياته وكل منهم بدأ حياة جديدة لكنها لن تسمح بأن يتأذى حب حياتها حتى لو خذلها
Hello everyone I wrote a story that I would like to share with you, and I would like it to happen,This is one of my ideas and I would like it to end EnKay story.
fight , babe I'll fight to win back your love again love , only love can break down the wall someday i would try to change the things that killed our love is there really no chance to start once again i'm loving you
تعَـلمت - هي - ان تجازي النسيَـان بالنسيان - والخيانه بالخيانه - ولكن لم تستطع تطبيق ذلك - وكيف ان يرجع هذا الشي بعد كل السنوات ؟ - قصهه تتحدث عن الانكاي من تاليفي وشكرا 🤍!