The Dragon's Lair
You enter the ridiculously named 'The Fairy Pawmother," a hybrid shelter, with very low expectations. Instead, you meet a beautiful Dragon hybrid named Namjoon, gaining a family and so much more.
You enter the ridiculously named 'The Fairy Pawmother," a hybrid shelter, with very low expectations. Instead, you meet a beautiful Dragon hybrid named Namjoon, gaining a family and so much more.
Namjoon fan fiction ****************************************************** Y/n decides she wants to celebrate her birthday alone this year and decides to go out to a bar. After a few drinks, she meets a mysterious, yet mesmerizing man. He may appear to be a normal, good-looking man, but little does y/n know, she's in...
Adopting a Hybrid... okay, let's see. Name: Namjoon Age: 12 September 1994 Hybrid: Lynx/Human Traits: Silent, will rather use body languish. Hides a lot, likes to be up at night. "So, this is your home now!" You looked back at the hybrid who was standing right behind you. . Silent Love 2.0 is in the process of being m...
His audios keep me warm in bed when I'm alone at night. - Audio Porn & Solo Artist AU🔞 - Kim Namjoon × OC / First Place in Youth Awards, KNJ Category / Date started: Oct. 24, 2021 Date completed: Apr. 20, 2022 Most Impressive Ranking of Tag/s: #1 producer #1 namjoonsmut #3 btsrapmonster #6 rm #4 btsfanfic #2 kimnamjo...