What happened to piers
Piers died 6 months ago but what happens when he is alive how will Chris react
Piers died 6 months ago but what happens when he is alive how will Chris react
#1 in "nivans" on 6/20/2019 "Good?" He huffed. "You call this 'good'? Do you have any idea how much of a trouble it was to get you to safety? Do you even know how difficult it was to take the damned J'avos down while having to carry your lifeless body out of there, and all the way to this place?! If it hadn't been for...
The first part of the Piers Nivans trilogy. Will you escape the bioterror nightmare ?
The third and last book of the Re- trilogy :3
My name is Amara Rollins. I'm a DSO agent working directly under the president on orders to find out who the traitor is in the BSAA Alpha Team. I will not stop until I get him and I will not let him hurt the people I love. I will do whatever it takes to hunt him down, even if it means losing myself. This is Amara Roll...
In Resident Evil 6, we're introduced to a few fresh faces. My 2 favorites being Jake Muller and Piers Nivans. Instead of delving into an unspoken backstory like I'm doing with Jake, this is sort of about a "what if" situation. This is what (in my head) happened after the events of Chris and Piers' campaign. Just...