Imagine Twisted Wonderland
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°Capa feita por mim° •Não postada em outro app• °•Não respostar/copiar sem autorização da autora•°
Yuu had a secret, They had been hiding it sense even before the first OverBlot. However Recently the Coughing had gotten worse. They would Cough black liquid out. Especially late at night when they truly felt alone. One night it gets worse. Yuu calls to Grim to go get help before they have another Incident. Only for G...
Como dice en el título serán One-shots de los personajes de Twisted Wonderland con Rayita osea tu. No hay muchos libro de Twisted Wonderland (aún) y quise aportar ya que quiero que crezca más y tenga más contenido, al menos tengo esa esperanza, hay más libros de Twisted Wonderland de One-shots y yo quería hacer el mío...
When Tomioka Giyuu rescues a little girl, he expected her to want to find her parents. Instead she pleaded for him to not make her go back. Taking the young girl in, he soon adopts her and raises her as his own without the hashira knowing. Seeing large changes in the once stoic man, they decide it was time to see what...
Nuestro amable director por fin encontró la forma de devolverte a tu mundo, una buena noticia pero ¿Lo es para todos? •La historia no está basada 100% en lo canónico, posiblemente más adelante algunas cosas se contradigan conforme se desarrolla la historia en el juego, hasta el momento va en el capítulo 6, si más adel...