Heal Your Broken Heart
What if the one who save Porchay at the bar was Macau? Not Kim? What will happen between Macau and Porchay? Will Macau are able to heal Porchay's broken heart?
What if the one who save Porchay at the bar was Macau? Not Kim? What will happen between Macau and Porchay? Will Macau are able to heal Porchay's broken heart?
Barcode would never thought he can love another man but him. He never thought he can have people care for him this deeply without having any romantic feelings for him. And he would never thought he would accept death and torture just so his loved ones can live happily without him. ( I write this long ago so it is more...
This is a fanfiction of Macau and Porschay. They are characters from Kinnporsche series. After the betrayal from Kim, it was tough for Porschay to move on. The person he loved and trusted gave him so much pain. He is going through a heartbreak. He can't tell anyone about it. Specially his brother otherwise he will bur...
Dónde Porschay va de antro con sus mejores amigos a olvidar un mal de amor Donde Macao ve un dulce y tierno omega bailando solo en la pista de bailé
Don't Kill me 😂 Barcode e Bible partilham da mesma dor dos seus melhores amigos saírem da empresa e eles ficarem. Jeff pede a Bible para cuidar do Pequeno Barcode e ambos se aproximam ainda mais criando sentimentos um pelo outros. Conseguiram eles serem felizes?
Era una pijamada, la familia menor y la familia mayor juntas en una sola mansión, la familia Theerapanyakul (o lo que quedaba de ella) unida en una noche de series y golosinas. Chay no había planeado terminar así, pero no tenía ni una pizca de arrepentimiento. Macau era lo mejor que le había ocurrido en mucho tiempo. ...
Just some fanart and a rant on why I think MacauChay is superior. Goes as a parallel to the series. No spoilers for the novel, I assure you.
"Gun was right about one thing. It was a dangerous thing to fall in love. But for Macau, he'd do it all over again for Chay. It was worth it if it was for Chay." *Uploads on Saturdays + when I write extra* This is my interpretation of Chay and Macau's story. I'm beginning after the end of KPTS Season 1. I also took th...
"Kim I'm young but not stupid." 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 Welcome to another KinnPorsche sequel of mine :) This will be a story between Kim, Chay and Macau so there will be two endings :) ⚠️TW: Cursing⚠️
Nunca fue la intención de Barcode acostarse con la persona que le gustaba a su mejor amigo. Tampoco fue su intención que comenzara a gustarle y mucho menos que ese tipo terminara siendo su alfa ‧ . ‧ . ‧ . ‧ . ▭▬▭▬▭| ⊱🌺⊰ |▬▭▬▭▬ ...
Chay never had a reason to tell anyone about himself. He finds a friend who he can talk to. TW: Mentions of Self Harm
[...] Macau y Porchay se conocen debido a que Pete cree que es una buena idea juntar a dos adolescentes solitarios, según él, aunque su pareja no esté totalmente de acuerdo. El desarrollo de su amistad solo será el comienzo de su historia juntos. Vida universitaria y locuras adolescentes; amistad, amor y el típico pel...
"I can't do that to Chay. I can't drag him into my broken family just to go down with us.." 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 Surpriseeee ! This book is the sequel to my MacauChay one shot. I just love this ghostship so much - I had to give them their own book :) Hope y'all like it ^^ ⚠️TW : Cursing, violence,..⚠️
🌻 dónde Macau es motivado por Pete para declararse a Porchay mediante una canción de bachata. 🌻 y entiende que Twitter no era la mejor opción. . AU. social media. macauchay. vegaspete. kinnporsche. comedia. romance. partes narradas. final feliz. historia corta.
macau and chay magically turned into a baby overnight and now vegas has to take care of them the catch?? this happened when pete was on a trip with tankhun, Porsche and few other friends, will they believe vegas or will they think he's crazy
Después del primer romance fallido de Porchay, este cambia radicalmente a un grado en el que no quedó nada de lo que era antes pero alguien lo observa y planeaba adueñarse de él.
Their first meeting was purely by mistake, see. Under normal circumstances they would have probably never interacted, probably never have even met. But Porchay was pissed off and heartbroken with Kim and Porsche and his uncle and the situation-- so he did what any pissed off and heartbroken teenager does best-- find t...
Daqui a pouco vocês matam-me pelos ghostships 😂 Macau um rapaz quebrado pelo seu pai. Chay seu coração quebrado pelo Kim. Ambos se encontram no jardim da primeira família depois do conflito das famílias. Ambos encontram refugio um no outro Conseguirá Chay juntar as peças daquele garoto quebrado. Conseguirá Macau...
KIM × PORCHAY × MACAU um ano se passou desde que Kim foi embora da Tailândia afim de esquecer sua vida antiga, e estava tudo bem, até que o mesmo recebe uma mensagem preocupante sobre seu amado Porchay; ele só não sabia que Macau, seu primeiro amor, estaria envolvido no caso uma gravidez inesperada, antigos sentimento...
Macao x porchay +18 Una historia diferente (Pausada hasta que tenga tiempo de escribir otra vez)
Quando você descobre que está apaixonado pelo seu melhor amigo, qual decisão seria a melhor a ser tomada? Descubra em Theerapanyakul Livro II, que vai contar a história de como Macau e Porschay ficaram juntos. Os personagens não me pertecem. 🥉3- MacauChay
un chico deprimido sin un ritmo que seguir o un sueño que perseguir, con el corazón roto y un muchacho que tiene de propósito poder curar a alguien y cuidarlo por el resto de su vida. ⚠️❗LOS PERSONAJES NO ME PERTENECEN, SOLO ME QUIERO DISTRAER UN RATO❗⚠️
Porschay, habilidoso nas artes das poções, prepara um elixir em busca de conquistar o coração do garoto de seus sonhos. No entanto, uma reviravolta do destino faz com que a poção seja entregue acidentalmente a Macau. Enquanto Macau se vê envolvido em um amor repentino por Porschay, ele guarda um segredo: ele nutre sen...
Quando menos se espera você encontra o amor no caminho. Os personagens não me pertencem. 🥉3- MacauChay. 🥈2- MacauChay 🥈2- Macau
Ta tenía el corazón roto y solo quería vengarse de su ex, pero, había bebido demasiado por lo que olvidó todo lo que pasó esa noche, ¿pero porque su cuerpo tenía reacciones tan extrañas desde entonces? 🐺
Tentang Tama yang mengejar cintanya. Tentang Bara yang mempertanyakan eksistensinya. Tentang Jordan yang mendapatkan garis takdirnya. Tentang Ursa yang menemukan cinta sejatinya. Modern ABOverse ⚠️ TABARCODE dan JJUS ⚠️ Cerita ini hanya FIKSI, mohon untuk tidak membawa setiap karakter keluar dari cerita yang dapat men...
Arranged Marriage MacauChay AU Macau is forced into an arranged marriage with a complete stranger which leads to his whole life plan collapsing. His betrothed however helps make things better as they slowly get to know each other. slow updates sneak peak: After some time he crouched down so he was looking up into Mac...
Hello guyyysss... I'm Dolly, the writer of this fan fiction and I'm not introducing myself as author because I'm still not good to be one.☺️ This is my 1st time writing, so hope you guys understand if I make any mistakes. I'm open to criticism regarding mistakes in my grammar. Make sure you correct me if any. This wor...