Svemir i (ne)mir
a book with poems, mostly about my life #11 in poetry 19.4.2017.
Ova knjiga neka bude tvoje i moje utočište. Ovo je moja vrsta poezije, nadam se da će ti se svidjet. Možda se pronađeš u ovim rečenicama kao ja. Ovdje nema određene ima i bit će svega, tuge i sreće. Počni čitati.... spisateljica -------------------- 2. poetry - 12.03.2023. 1. pjesme - 15.03.2023.
I told myself I wouldn't care about you now I'm under the rain hoping I'll find you
6 am is a collection of poems about the worst kind of pain a heartbreak serves. This is the poem to all the lovers that went wrong and too confused to describe how they feel out there.