After all I did...
Naruto has only done right, did everything in his power to help, and yet... I own nothing in this story other than the plot.
Naruto has only done right, did everything in his power to help, and yet... I own nothing in this story other than the plot.
No one knows where you came from. No one knows why you're here...Except for you. To all others you are nothing more than a gambler, at the least, a very young one. But you know what they say about judging books by covers. Sometimes a lucky bet is all it takes to change the fate of many. And you're betting the fate of...
Sometimes the hardest battle isn't enough to change a heart, sometimes all the war and blood in the world isn't enough to shift a single destiny. Sometimes a simple touch is enough to break down the strongest of barriers, sometimes a single word is enough to make the world quake. Sometimes the most reaching of...