The Lion Guard Season 4 Part One: Legacy of the Night Pride
6 months after Kion was crowned as King, an old shadow of the Night Pride's past returns seeking revenge on the Royal Family.
6 months after Kion was crowned as King, an old shadow of the Night Pride's past returns seeking revenge on the Royal Family.
A new enemy is on the rise for taking over the entire Magical Dimension. But first, this enemy must face the Winx, who will stop at nothing to make sure this enemy will be defeated. But Bloom soon finds out she is pregnant and must go into hiding for her new enemy wants her unborn baby as a power source. Bloom soon be...
Děj se odehrává těsně po konci 3. série lví hlídky. Z Kiona se stává král a musí se vyrovnat s královským povinnostmi. Kiara bude šťastná královna kterou budou všichni respektovat ale Kovu to kvůli svému původu bude mít těžší. Vitani je vůdkyně lví hlídky a teprve se začíná vyrovnávat s tím že se vrátil Kopa. Fuli se...