Soul Rosario
This takes place after the Winter War and sometime during part II of Rosario + Vampire. Ichigo and his friends go undercover in a school for monsters. love, drama and twists stay tuned
This takes place after the Winter War and sometime during part II of Rosario + Vampire. Ichigo and his friends go undercover in a school for monsters. love, drama and twists stay tuned
Ichigo gets transported mysteriously into a new world out of nowhere, he's confused and mistakenly takes it for the soul society, but will soon realized that it was a wrong assumption.
After the intense battle with Aizen, Ichigo finds himself cast adrift in the Garganta, the space between Earth and the Hollow Realm, Hueco Mundo. He eventually reaches another world, completely different from his own. What will he find in this remnant of a broken world? ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+
After the final clash with Yhwach the Quincy King, Yhwach in his last moments asks Ichigo why he is this powerful? Ichigo's answer satisfies Yhwach and Yhwach reveals something shocking to Ichigo before sending the Hybrid away to another dimension. One where Greek Gods reign Supreme. With Orihime by his side what will...
«𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔» Dos espadas negras, capaces de cortar el Destino. Separadas son peligrosas, unidas... Son invencibles. El Servant perfecto para el Master perfecto debido a una invocación poco probable. ✔︎ «𝑨 𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒏 𝒄𝒖𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂» Ruta en la que se desarrolla la historia: Fate Stay Night. Sin embargo, much...