Era of the Meta Humans
Izuku & Eri get transported to another world through unknown means. Now, Izuku must prepare Gotham and the rest of America for their own Dawn of Quirks. Luckily, he's not alone.
Izuku & Eri get transported to another world through unknown means. Now, Izuku must prepare Gotham and the rest of America for their own Dawn of Quirks. Luckily, he's not alone.
Naruto Uzumaki was abandoned, abuse and neglected by his family. Tortured by the villagers because he had the soul of the kyuubi no yoko while his siblings has the Chakra. No one care for him and was use as a scapegoat for the bs prophecy. But someone was watching him and want to help him they were powerful rulers in...
I Don't own Naruto or it's characters. Naruto gets banished for hurting Sasuke. I also don't own the picture for the cover...they belong to their creator.
Izuku Yagi was diagnosed quirkless, and since then his life has been miserable. His parents totally forgot about him, and he has to work to get money for food and clothes. His own twin younger sister and her friends (Katsumi, Shoka) make his life miserable. One day after running away from his tormentors he was hiding...
Izuku Yagi led a horrible life as he was neglected and forgotten by his parents, and extended family. He was bullied by his twin sister and friends (1A). However, he had his uncle Mirai, grandparents, Yaoyorozu Family and Jiro Family. One day AFO captured Izuku and Izumi. He told the world about what All Might did and...
Izuku Midoriya had a wonderful life with his twin sister and his friends (Bakugo Twins & Todoroki Twins). But after the Bakugo Twins got their quirks their egos went up and became assholes. Meanwhile in Kindergarten as they were about to attack three girls who were innocent Izuku stood in front of them as his hands ab...
Izuku Yagi was being beaten up by his friends (1-A and 1-B) as well his older brother and half twin sister, while he was being beaten up a black haired girl with almost black eyes was passing by she watch them beat Izuku until she recognized him, she hurry to defend and scared off both Izuku's older brother, sister an...
بعد أن تخلى تين عن أخيه التؤم ريكو تحت ضروف غامضة كبر ريكو على أمل رؤيته في العمر18 سمع أخبار عن أخيه تفيد أنه أصبح مشهوراً ولكي يلتقي به قرر أن يصبح أيدول بعدد مرور الكثير من الايام أصبحت أيدوليش سفن مشهورة مع الكثير من الفرق في أحد الأيام يشاركون في برنامج تجميعي فيه الفرق الثلاثة تريغر وري فال ولكن هذا البرنامج ي...
بعد أشتهار زوول يقوم برنامج تلفزيوني بجمع الفرق الأربعة ري فال تريغر زوول أيدوليش سفن معهم بعد نهاية البرنامج هاروكا تشاجر مع كوجو تين وذهب لريكو وتشاجرو معه أثناء هذا يتعرضات لهجوم من رجال غرباء بالطبع أصيب ألأثنين ولكن هاروكا عرف أن ريكو فتاة متنكرة بعد أن عرف ريكو خرج من الفرقه ذالك بسبب صحته التي سائت ولكن الوح...
تبدأ القصة في احد ضواحي طوكيو وبالاخص في منزل عائلته ناناسي كان الحزن يملأ المكان بسبب. حدث فظيع حدث لي شخص يكون هو النور وشمس هذه عائلته من هذا الشخص ؟ كيف حدث الحدث ؟ وما هو نوع الحدث ؟ . . .
أن السعادة تكمن في أن تعيش أفراد الأسرة معا حياة هادئة و أسرة متحابة يحبون بعضهم في ظل الظروف التي يمرون بها و لكن هل ستدوم سعادتهم إذا فقدوا الشخص الذي يكون سندهم و الشخص الذي يحن عليهم و يغمرعم حبا هل سيكونون قادرين على مواصلة حياتهم السابقة كما كانوا.
في احد الأيام كانت الفرق الثلاثة أيدوليش 7 و تريغر و ريفالي في رحلة وبعد أن قضو اليل بالمرح يستيقظ ريكو و يجد أن الجميع تحولو إلى اطفال لسبب مجهول كيف سوف يتصرف وهوا بين حوالي أبعة عشر طفل و كيف سوف يعتني بهم حتى يعودو كما كانو وهل يستطيع الأعتناء بهم ليومين كاملين لوحده
He was stuck, he wanted to go back to his old world. Fu and Naruko were Uchiha and renamed while he was a stupid Uzukage with two arrogant siblings. What will he do when they ignore him and try to beat him. Then they want him back as their child and act like they were family after all they've done. I don't own the pic...
The ship is Naruko. The way the story is designed so that someone die and are reborn as Saskue who in this story is replaced with the name Link. There, they can use powers from The Legend of Zelda- all main games or any of these pictures. Remeber I don't own Nintendo or Naruto. YET maybe I can trade my soul to the Shi...
A Empress.. she's very beautiful.. intelligent, has manners, loved by everyone. Everyone adores her, she's currently married with a guy named Hinata Hyuga, they both swore they will be together forever, until death separates them apart.. But, Hinata broke it, he broke that promise first! He said that he will never inv...
Arceus felt something was wrong, he always felt Giratina was different from it's brothers Palkia and Dialga, he decided to visit Giratina in the distortion world only to find a woman that reminded him of Giratina, before Arceus could react the woman have vanished to a new world he didn't know about, with the woman, sh...
After the successful Sasuke Recovery mission, Naruto is treated even worse than before. Despite bringing the last Uchiha back, Naruto get's his chakra destroyed, his shinobi status removed and is betrayed by his friends. After hearing a mysterious voice in his head and aided by some unknown but extremely powerful for...
After Pain, Naruto meets his father in a dream because of his emotional stress. Telling everything to him, Naruto disappears from the Elemental Nations for good. But it's only a matter of time before his past comes back to haunt him. Disclaimer: I own nothing from Naruto or Fairy Tail
عاشت الشخصية الرئيسية إيزوكو ميدوريا حياة عادية ولكنها سعيدة قبل خمس سنوات فقد والديه فجأة وأصبح رجلا محطما وهو يكافح كل يوم عندما منهكا من الحياة اليومية الخانقة فتحت بوابة في غرفة مكان لم يزره من قبل مكان لايعرف ما قد يكون حياة علاجية للاستماع بها في عالم مختلف بداء من عامة الناس و التحول الى اللورد الإقطا...
يموت إيزوكو اختناق بواسطة شرير وحل ولم ينقذه أحد والدته تركته وحده تعرض لتنمر و يولد في عالم اخر بقوة سحرية
DISCLAIMER: This is not my story. This belongs to Gallantmon the Hazard. If you haven't read Sailor Moon Shippuden New Moon Ninja please read that story first. This story is a sequel to that. Naruto X Sailor Moon X Ninja Gaiden X Digimon X Yugioh X Sword Art Online Crossover Over two years have passed since Sailor M...
Naruto was left alone because of circumstances that were beyond his control and got punished for it. Will a certain man help change his luck or will Naruto's path lead to darkness? I don't own Naruto, all rights belong to Masashi Kishimoto. Plus this is inspired by Legacy written by cr4zypt and Naruto: the 3 Paths of...
Five universes (Naruto-verse, Dxd-verse, Mha, PP, Undertale, Genshin and Marvel) find themselves in a theater where they watch as the sons and daughter of Spider-man/Peter Parker and Mary Jane Waston return to Earth 616 as the totems of Scion, the Other, Flamebearer and Patternmaker return home showing what the new sp...
Nothing could have prepared Izuku for his first meeting with the Number 1 pro hero All Might. Being born quirkless in a society where 80% are blessed with quirk and the rest 20% are quirkless he was unlucky enough to be part of those small group. Rejection and humiliations was all Izuku knew from the age of 4 as ever...
Izuku Midoriya lived in a society where 80% of the population developed supernatural ability called [Quirks] which appears in the form of one joint in the pinky toe. Unfortunately, Izuku had the normal two joints which indicated that he was among the 20% minority who were born with no quirk whatsoever making him [Quir...
What if Aizawa kept his promise and expelled izuku during the Quirk Apprehension Test? What if there was another person watching Izuku aside from all might, and how will Izuku react to losing the person who's always been in this corner?
Rias after trying everything to end her engagement decides to get help from a different world. After getting some forbidden documents, she finds a spell to summon heroes from another world. After convincing Sona to help with the magic something happened and instead of summoning a hero they were sent to their world.