Insane Asylum escapees!
Where the boy-who-lived does not believe in magic and thinks Hogwarts is for insane people
Where the boy-who-lived does not believe in magic and thinks Hogwarts is for insane people
Warning! This story contains repeated mentions of self harm, occasional attempted suicide, and Blood. No in depth descriptions, but now you know what you're getting into, you may proceed. When life is meaningless, and death rejects you, there is nowhere to turn. Harry Potter didn't expect much for his birthday. He did...
Harry was just a young child when it happened. He lived with his unloving relatives in Surrey. 5 years of abuse took its toll on him by the time he was 6 years old. He noticed everything becoming quieter and quieter everyday but what he didn't realise was what it meant. When he woke up one morning not hearing a thing...
Harry Potter is five years old now, though he does not look it. He looks more like a small four or three year old. But, that's not the end of it. The fact that none of his neighbors know he exists, that he sleeps in a cupboard, even that his parents are dead, is not the end, nor the worst of it. No, the worst, is his...
Harry Potter. The only survivor when Lord Voldemort attacked his home. His parents died, the house was destroyed, but he made it, with nothing more than a scar on his head. Now, Harry Potter is starting Hogwarts. His family is glad to see him go, and the Wizarding world is happy to see him come. But what if, the Wizar...
what if..... Harry goes to the first year and came to know that he was just a tool of Dumbledore. what if his friends were not what he thought. what if he gets himself transferred to another school and what if when in 3rd year he comes back he was changed.... very change Many many grammar and spelling errors. Don't...
After the final battle Harry learns some unsettling truths about himself and those who he trusts the most. Forced to come to terms with the revelations, Harry decides to get even with those who've wronged him and embrace who he his by going back to when it all started. I don't use wattpad, at least not anymore, so im...
Takut akan perang yang akan datang, Harry pergi ke Menara Astronomi untuk merenung. Sihir, nampaknya, mempunyai rencana lain dan Harry telah meninggalkan masa kini dan langsung masuk ke Hogwarts pada tahun 1943. Terjebak di zaman Riddle, dan sekarang dengan nama Harry Peverell, Harry harus melakukan yang terbaik untuk...
MAIN STORY FINISHED, ADDITIONAL MATERIAL STILL BEING POSTED. ONLY "Epilogue: Exploration" IS MATURE. EVERYTHING ELSE IS TEEN. Severus had always believed that romance wasn't for him. Everyone else believed him to be filthy death eater scum, and he agreed, never fathoming the concept of someone liking him enough to act...
"This is mad. There's only a week left and we still don't have dates." "Not unless we go together." The words were out before Harry could stop them. Fourth year AU
What if Voldemort's attack on Lily and James was to get his son back? Fanfiction written by HarleyPotter19 all credits go to HarleyPotter19 i am just posting the book.
Harry Potter é um garoto cujos pais, feiticeiros, foram assassinados por um poderosíssimo bruxo quando ele ainda era um bebê. Ele foi levado, então, para a casa dos tios que nada tinham a ver com o sobrenatural. Pelo contrário. Até os 10 anos, Harry foi uma espécie de gata borralheira: maltratado pelos tios, herdava r...
"Eu posso te dar o Elixir da Vida", diz Harry. "Mas eu preciso de sua ajuda com outra coisa." "Você", diz Voldemort, cauteloso agora, cauteloso agora que o confronto não foi nada como ele esperava, um pouco incrédulo, "precisa de Lord Voldemort para ajudá- lo?" Harry olha além dele por um segundo, a mandíbula tensa. "...
Harry encontra um animal de estimação estranhamente fofinho no Lorde das Trevas, e Voldemort encontra um santuário para seu coração em seu antigo inimigo. O destino nunca foi tão estranho.
Tudo o que um Comensal da Morte decente precisa saber sobre o mais amado e temido Lorde das Trevas da Grã-Bretanha, que definitivamente não voltou, conforme relatado a você por Harry J. Potter, o Garoto-que-Sabe OU Harry precisa de um hobby. Luna se oferece para mostrar a ele como funciona o jornalismo investigativo...
Os pedaços da alma de Tom Riddle seguem Harry, mesmo depois de Voldemort ter morrido há muito tempo. Harry gostaria que Tom parasse de possuir as pessoas ao seu redor apenas para conversar com Harry.
❝... iacta alea est", disse César, ❝a sorte foi lançada.❞ Usado para indicar que os eventos passaram de um ponto sem volta. "Eu não posso voltar, posso?" Harry perguntou depois de um tempo. "Você quer?" Morte perguntou ao invés de responder. Harry ficou quieto. "Eu poderia escolher continuar", disse ele depois de algu...
Lily Evans foi descrita por muitos adjetivos: vivaz, charmosa, brilhante, natural, talentosa, corajosa, engraçada, espirituosa, gentil, popular... . O que mudaria na história se Lily Evans tivesse nascido sociopata? A resposta é: necessariamente ... nada.
Harry Potter. O Menino-Que-Sobreviveu, Herói do Mundo Mágico, Mestre da Morte. Ele era leal a seus amigos. Ele até sacrificaria sua vida para salvar seus amigos. Ele morreu para salvar o Mundo Mágico, mas a que custo? Após a guerra com Voldemort, Harry sentiu como se metade de sua alma tivesse deixado seu corpo...
By a strange twist of fate, or perhaps a schemed turn of time, Harry is sorted into Slytherin. Will the famed house be able to bring out Harry's untold potential? What new friends and adventures await him in the proud house of the snake? Follow the story and keep tabs on a Harry who has grown to differ not only in per...
Discontinued! (Will be rewritten) What if Harry never made it to Gryffindor? What if the Potter heir didn't follow anyone? Harry isn't who people thought he would be. He has goals that no person could reach. He will surpass Merlin. And he will forever be remembered.
When Harry Potter is receives a letter from Gringotts on his eighteenth birthday he is more than confused. But once there, he is far more than just confused. He feels angry, betrayed, disappointed, but most of all, he feels the need to get revenge on those who wronged him. And, that is exactly what he does. DISCLAIMER...
❝Diga-me, tia, por que você tem medo de mim?❞ No cânone, Harry buscou a aceitação dos adultos ao seu redor. Tom Riddle procurou exercer poder sobre todos os outros. Esse Harry nunca mais quer se sentir impotente de novo. Sociopata!Harry [A fanfic infelizmente não vai receber mais atualizações, por isso irei coloca-l...
What if the so called 'Golden Boy' isn't quite what everyone sees. What if the gullible Gryffindor was just a bit more Slytherin than anyone wanted. Tired of the controlling powers in his life, Harry takes the small bit of freedom he can. His money. His Lordships. His magic.
Harry Potter was Sorted into Slytherin after a crappy childhood. His brother Jim is believed to be the BWL. *unfinished
Harry Potter's life was never truly a happy one, neglected by his parents, sent away to live with abusive muggles at 5 but it wasn't always like this. What if Harry Potter had a twin. What if Dumbledor claimed that Harry's twin was the boy who lived. What if Harry made sure they had hell to pay after that. ! Story may...
Harry Potter no longer has any fucks to give. That's it. That's the plot. Thanks for coming to my ted talk. ((And all because Death does something absolutely fucking stupid behind Harry's back.)) Or; Harry dies and wakes up back in the cupboard underneath the stairs. Fed up of being thrown around like a dog's chew toy...
(Aka the Tomalongadingdong™ fic) It was a normal day for Harry. He woke up, made breakfast for his relatives, ate some leftovers, and went out to do the chores set for him. Then it all changed when he accidentally disturbed a snake in the grass. Please do not message me about translations. I'm not accepting them.
When Draco and Lucius Malfoy meet Harry Potter at the train station, they definitely aren't expecting a shy, abused little boy who has a stuttering problem. Will Harry finally have the family he's always wanted. Story is better than the summary, I promise! This story is also on and!
Ao chegar em Hogwarts, Harry não é exatamente o que o Mundo Bruxo espera que ele seja. Não gosta da ideia de ser um um salvador, não é selecionado para a Grifinória e certamente não é uma réplica de James Potter. O que aconteceria se Harry seguisse por um outro caminho? ISENÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE: o universo de Harry...