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  • An Eight-Legged What?!
    5.4K 152 14

    Another day, another origin story. /\ It was an ordinary day in Asgard, and Loki was bored, so he decided to go for a walk in the woods. While there, he found a group of horses, and decided to lead one back to his father's castle. Suffice to say, things didn't go as planned./\ This is the story of Sleipnir, and well...

  • A Little Bit of Mischief
    4.9K 203 14

    Loki's kids were monsters. Odin made sure that nobody knew that. A curse was put in place but since Odin's passing, the curse has been lifted. Two of the four children find out about who they really are through a nerve wracking journey that will test their trust with each other. Through it all, these brothers would st...
