la noche explosiva
cuenta la historia de un mago que un dia en su bosque encantado lloroooooo
Bob drops these guys in a danganronpa knockoff Ron dies ?!?!??! oh noes!!!! (This is an April Fools fic, and is not canon to No Escape lore. This began in 2023. It was meant for April fools 2023. Thr writing may be shitty but it's on purpose
"Después de los eventos de Bob Onslaught, Bob, Ron y Little Man decidieron convivir juntos en la casa de Ron a pesar de sus diferencias. Lo cual fue pésima idea Hasta que un día, Bob ya tenía sus inexistentes 🅱️olas hasta su inexistente cuello por tener que aguantar las mamadas de Ron y Little Man Así que se le ocurr...
Make sure you read the original Bob's Other World before proceeding with this one! This book consists of different stories in the universe of the story. Whether they take place before or after, discover more about the world that the trio live in! Will there be a special guest? Who knows haha
This AU was created by me! But the characters are from Bob's Onslaught, obviously. None of the events in this story are connected to the original mod! Ron was your average student. The only child in a normal family, a group of friends in school, and a family friend, he sometimes wished his life was something special...
Ron has to babysit. Skid and Pump are fiercely protective. (CROSS-POSTED FROM AO3. ORIGINALLY POSTED ON 10-29-2021 AND 10-29-2022) ron, bob and little man by wildy lila, skid and pump, roy, robert, and ross by srpelo swearing warning ig
Bob was never what he seemed to be. Unfortunately, Ron learned this the hard way. Now, he must find everyone and escape Bob's weird world. Credits: