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  • Unexpected Connections
    28 20 10

    Genre: Comedy, Romance, Animated "Unexpected Connections" is a heartwarming and humorous animated show that follows the lives of two gay men, Mark and Alex, and two lesbians, Sarah and Lisa, who find themselves questioning their sexual preferences later in life. When their paths cross, they embark on a journey of self...

    Completed   Mature
  • High Chronicles: Battle for Freedom of Weed
    76 20 10

    Throughout the series, "High Chronicles: The Battle for Freedom of Weed" explores themes of personal growth, the fight against oppression, and the importance of defending individual liberties. Jason's journey from a carefree pothead to a courageous defender symbolizes the transformative power of embracing responsibili...

    Completed   Mature
  • Misadventures of Mayhem (Season 1)
    150 25 12

    In a chaotic and absurd world, a group of misfit friends find themselves entangled in bizarre and outrageous situations. As they navigate through their hilarious misadventures, they push the boundaries of humor, satire, and social commentary, making "Misadventures of Mayhem" a wild and irreverent adult cartoon.

  • Poems of Life
    114 26 15

    "My expression of life, through many layers of words, takes the form of heartfelt poems. Each carefully crafted verse carries the weight of my emotions, thoughts, and experiences, creating a tapestry of feelings for you to explore. These poems serve as windows into my soul, inviting you to embark on a journey of intro...
