Ultraman Legion
A new hero called Ultraman Legion who wants to take actions for it's destiny from his future descendant Aiyoshizawa
A new hero called Ultraman Legion who wants to take actions for it's destiny from his future descendant Aiyoshizawa
Introducing Ultraman Solaris, an all-new Ultraman accompanied by his human host, Masato Nakaruma, a male member of the Ultra National Earth Guard Organization (UNEGO). With his solar-themed abilities, Ultraman Solaris battles against evil and protects the planet from intergalactic threats. Masato Nakaruma serves as th...
Ultraman Aries tells the story of Tasoku Matososhi, a skilled agent of the NOVA or National Organization of Vengeance Attacker-defence. The organization is responsible for protecting Earth from alien threats, and they do so with the use of advanced technology and combat training. Tasoku is a remarkable agent, one of t...
Ultraman Hercules is the second Zodiac Story that follows the thrilling adventures of Ayumi Matsuda, a male member of GFTA (Global Forces of Tactics Administration). Ayumi Matsuda is a skilled fighter, and his expertise in combat makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. The story focuses on Ayumi's journey as...
In this captivating love story set in the world of Ultraman Solaris, we follow the intertwined lives of Masato Nakamura and Yuka Sasaki. Masato is a young, kind-hearted man who possesses a strong desire to protect his loved ones, while Yuka is a beautiful and ambitious woman with a warm and caring personality. As they...