Ahoj jsem Dominika a je mi 15 let .Rada koukam na YouTube a Tančim . Jednoho dne jsem našla svoji životní lásku.
15ti letá Naty, nastoupí na střední školu. Tam potká několik lidí. A co bude dál? Přečtěte si tenhle příběh...
We may be the last on this planet. And we will find each other only by a common symbol. Where it came from is a mystery. We are the chosen ones. I do not know who he is. But I will be looking for him. He will be perfect for me. Let the years pass, but I will find him. But ... Where are you now? Was it all in my fantas...
Kniha vypráví o Naty a Jusťe.Co se stane když potkají celou skupinu slavných StudioMoonTV?
#2 in Alan Walker Your brother is a security guard in a nightclub in Dublin (Ireland) He gets you a backstage pass to your favourite dj Alan Walker. However what happens when the concert is over and some girls at your school who bully you decide to beat you up and take your backstage pass so you dont get to see Ala...