Short Stories
Heart-warming short stories about love, friendship, loneliness and finding home.
In a world ravaged by alien invaders known as Zygets, humanity teeters on the edge of destruction. Braxill, a reclusive writer lost in his fantasies, discovers he holds the ancient power of Planetary Resonance the ability to manifest his imagination into reality. As he navigates a crumbling Nu Brooklyn and grapples wi...
Él, un hombre casado y exitoso, con un mundo perfecto a sus pies. Ella, una joven rebelde y soñadora, buscando escapar de su realidad. Un encuentro casual enciende una chispa que se convierte en una pasión ardiente, un amor prohibido que desafía todas las normas. Su relación es una montaña rusa de idas y venidas, encu...
Beram, a daring sky dweller, defies propaganda alongside Toro and Gin Razor to explore the forbidden surface world. Whispers of a hidden truth lure them into a land rumored to be overrun by cyber monsters, only to discover a world brimming with life and forgotten wonders. Their discoveries will challenge everything th...
In a far, far away world much like our own, there was the world renowned Elio Novan. From the outside, he seemed perfect, wealthy, influential, untouchable, but still kind, friendly, generous, and sympathetic. But, in classic rich person fashion, his life was very different on the inside. A psychopath. A person who'd...
Astra Wilder is a girl with a strong love of science and a particular anime. She has a belief in the multi-verse and the possibility of other dimensions. One day, she stumbles upon a mysterious book, containing descriptions of a secret cave where a gateway to a new world could be found. As she follows the book's instr...
In Northberry Beyond, humanity clings to life on a floating island known as Arkvine, ruled with an iron fist by the Visage Gods. Below, the surface world is ravaged by ferocious Barrakudo, cybernetic monsters that have rendered it uninhabitable. Braxer, a spirited young boy gifted with the rare power of imagination, i...
In a world suspended between the skies, where the floating islands of Skyara are precariously held aloft by ancient magic, Luna Valen, a young air cargo pilot, inherits a mysterious map left by her missing father. This map, cryptic and enigmatic, seems to lead to Aetheria, a legendary station that could hold the secre...
Do you remember the gods and goddesses who once ruled our world? They stood tall above mountains and deep into the sea, walked among mankind, and delved deep into the world. Perhaps you've heard stories or tales about them passed down through generations. From the Greek and Roman to the Norse and Egyptian and many mor...
A story of a group of friends working together for a dream they all share, unity among the two races. Their dream wasn't initially started in the beginning but developed through the bonds they made in the passing time. After forming a promise to relive a special moment after fulfilling their dream of unity, they work...
In the heart of London, the Quinn family stands as a symbol of power, wealth, and influence. Alan and Rebecca Quinn, at the helm of Quinn Enterprises, built an empire with roots in real estate, finance, and luxury goods, guided by the legacy of Alan's parents, Margaret and David. Their idyllic life in a grand mansion...
Kane (2025) is a poignant and gripping tale set against the backdrop of a world in turmoil. In 1999, the quiet town of Havenbrook, Pennsylvania, is home to the loving Ace family-Alistair, Marissa, their eight-year-old son Kane, and their loyal dog, Rusty. Their peaceful life is abruptly shattered when the United State...
Anaís wakes up after drowning, only to discover she has been reincarnated as Princess Daira, the only daughter of the formidable Duke of Thamel and the betrothed of the Crown Prince. However, her new life is far from the fairy tale she envisioned. Branded as the "villainous princess," Daira is despised by her own fami...
In the concrete jungle where humans hid monstrous secrets, Melona, a powerful werehound leading a pack called the Hounds, navigates a brutal world. Facing eviction due to gentrification, his urban animal sanctuary is threatened by a deadly new enemy - hunters. Forced to form an uneasy alliance with the feline Jeds a...
Zall GravLord, a pilot on a desperate mission to find the Eter flower to save a dying world, is rescued by the brilliant engineer Amara. Together, amidst the dangers of the Blackened Sea and mutant creatures, an unlikely romance blossoms between a man who has only seen women in pictures and a woman yearning for advent...
After the sudden loss of her father, Alex Katz finds herself drawn into a world she never imagined: university life alongside Prince Cassian. Determined to achieve her dream of becoming an advisor, Alex strikes a risky deal with the King, plunging her into a whirlwind of political maneuvering, royal obligations, and c...
Jaxon will do whatever it takes to get a second chance to be with the deceased love of his life, June. That includes becoming a kaiju bear with the power of Oddity, granting him the ability to travel through differen't dimensions. However he will be met with the challenege of powerful forces such as Wizards, Radcials...
In a world dominated by the Code Federation - a ruthless regime fueled by cloned humans (Hellans) - a glimmer of hope emerges with the Grids. These chosen warriors wield powerful laser weapons, the key to defeating the Federation's tyranny. Alongside the Alzoth Empire, the Grids fight for freedom, aiming to liberate t...
Jaxon, a curious young boy, finds himself entangled in a mind-bending mystery. After disappearing from a locked locker and reappearing with a strange story about a theme park and a friend named June, Jaxon's world is turned upside down. As time passes, the line between reality and fantasy blurs further. The mysterious...