atelophobia 🖤 lawrusso
'' call me, johnny. '' § atelophobia (a - tel - o - pho - bia) the fear of imperfection. the fear of never being good enough. § In which Johnny suffers from atelophobia, and Daniel can only make it worse.
'' call me, johnny. '' § atelophobia (a - tel - o - pho - bia) the fear of imperfection. the fear of never being good enough. § In which Johnny suffers from atelophobia, and Daniel can only make it worse.
Johnny Lawrence hates Daniel LaRusso's guts or... perhaps he wants him to rearrange his guts. Johnny has fallen for the dark brown-eyed handsome boy, but he'll be damned if LaRusso finds out so in order to mask his puppy love feelings he instead beats the shit out of LaRusso because then surely no one will suspect a t...
Daniel LaRusso moves from Newark, New Jersey to Reseda, California with his mother, just as he is starting his senior year on High School. He struggles to fit into the new invironment, and soon get on bad terms with a group of karate students. Johnny Lawrence is the tall, blonde leader of the gang, star pupil of the C...
Daniel's just trying to fit in at his new school, he never asked for johnny and his friends to beat him up every other day, he never asked for any of it. the multiple detentions, which have him spending up to 2 hours alone with johnny, are definitely not what he asked for. the bruises he has to hide from his ma are de...