2668 a dystopian society is being controlled by various righteous military groups. The story begins with Alex, a transcendent of remnants before him. Follow Alex as he unravels the conspiracy behind these totalitarian organizations.
2668 a dystopian society is being controlled by various righteous military groups. The story begins with Alex, a transcendent of remnants before him. Follow Alex as he unravels the conspiracy behind these totalitarian organizations.
At worlds end, out in the badlands in an unknown location, a group of marine special forces are deployed to search and take out 4 major figure heads in the Varrencián war. As they come closer to their primary objective. The leader. Jesper Greytchav, discovers a secret that should've stay hidden.
After the hellfire had halted, the populated had declined exponentially. All that was left were survivors and the dead that crept beneath the surface of those cities still standing. There is no duration to the never ending.
The final chapter comes to a close. Judgement settles in. A force has arisen, discovery is imminent. Survivors are supraluminal.
In a distant future, beyond our existence. A universe expands outward infinitely. As time passes, pioneers open their minds to discovery as the world around them grows from the desolate void to their future. Follow Luna and Sam as they struggle to make a step in their path forward into creating advanced AI's and stop...
Beyond our celestial existence, worlds are out there meant to be discovered. Signs of hope are placed beautifully through out the celestial starfield itself
Before Jacob, before taylor and everything else. Going into the deepest parts and darkest secrets of the virus. Taking us from beginning to end, the mystery will be brought to life.