What could have been.
Jack Twist died 3 months ago. Nothing could change that now. What could have been haunts Ennis Del Mar for eternity. Maybe if he was there to save him, maybe then the world would keep spinning.
Jack Twist died 3 months ago. Nothing could change that now. What could have been haunts Ennis Del Mar for eternity. Maybe if he was there to save him, maybe then the world would keep spinning.
(One Shot) Ennis Del Mar cancels his wedding and sets out on a trip to Texas after receiving a postcard from an old friend.
I have never once written fanfiction, though my friend Cry has coerced me into making an Oc fic. Consider all of this to be an elaborate shitpost, each 'chapter' will be a different story some of which will be complete shitposts and others I might actually throw some effort into. I really hope nobody ever finds this...
I watched the movie and cried so hard that I wanted at least to read about a happy end. I searched for some time but did not find a fic which would have been good enough. So i decided to try to write one myself. TW: su1c1de