A Nerd Story of Love
Geekward and Nerdella...two lost souls who just want love and to be loved. ExB, AH
Geekward and Nerdella...two lost souls who just want love and to be loved. ExB, AH
Edward Cullen is the heir-apparent to the most infamous crime families in Chicago. He was notorious for his time with his enemies, his many dates and his ruthless skill in the board room, the front for the illicit dealings of the Cullen Crime Consortium. However, to take over the family, his father reminded him about...
| edwardxbella | A broken boy in Florida. A lonely girl in Washington. An anonymous chat room, where two lost souls find and connect with eachother. A one in a million chance of finding each other, and a crazy whirlwind relationship filled with pain, heartbreak, and above all, love.