Trust - Sonexe
Sonic had plans to spend his time with his friends for this Christmas, but then he discovers a copy of him that sort of ruined his plans.. he had to hide his counterpart from his friends, how could he lie to them??
Sonic had plans to spend his time with his friends for this Christmas, but then he discovers a copy of him that sort of ruined his plans.. he had to hide his counterpart from his friends, how could he lie to them??
The first book is in @_kobisan account, sorry but the first book has so many grammar issues.. Here is a new summary for the story: Sonic always had those weird nightmares, where Eggman reigns the world or sometimes he gets sucked by void or something like that.. but those nightmares haunted him for a while, until he f...
It'S tHaT tImE oF tHe YeAr AgAiN eVeRyOnE. tHe TiMe To DoUbLe ChEcK uNdEr YoUr BeD oR iN yOuR cLoSeT fOr MoNsTeRs. AnD wHeN yOu Go To SlEeP, rEmEmBeR tO lOcK yOuR dOoR aNd ShUt YoUr WiNdOwS. a NiGhTmArE iS cOmInG fOr YoU. BeTtEr WaTcH oUt. He HaS a HuNgEr FoR fEaR...aNd LoVe.... SwEeT nIgHtMaReS~ hApPy HaLlOwEeN~