Dead as Earth
Based on the story of King Lear, the Pendleton siblings must deal with the rise of the thriving family business and the simultaneous decline of their aging father. The Gerard siblings must do the same... and don't.
Based on the story of King Lear, the Pendleton siblings must deal with the rise of the thriving family business and the simultaneous decline of their aging father. The Gerard siblings must do the same... and don't.
In death, a tradition is born. The Pendleton Tradition started as most traditions do, with a stroke of luck. Based on the story of Romeo and Juliet, the first installment of The Pendleton Tradition follows the young lovers who started it all.
There is nothing Lizzie Jameson loves more than playing Quidditch. Sharing this feeling with her teammates, she has found herself a family while away from home. But when her best friend asks her for a little romantic support regarding her team captain Orion Amari, things start to get more complicated than what she wou...
With love, affection, eloquence and tears, I present, Verses of the Heart and Soul. A book of poems and verses about life and everything else.