Wardęga x Konopski||Uwaśna Parodia (enemies to lovers)
historia oparta na faktach♥️♥️ (wszystko zrobione w celach humorystycznych) #1-polish-15.10.2023
historia oparta na faktach♥️♥️ (wszystko zrobione w celach humorystycznych) #1-polish-15.10.2023
Kyle and his family aren't what you expect. They're smartasses but are for a reason. They murder. Kill. Anything to get what they want. Kyle starts to want something from what he calls his Super Best Friend, Stan. His love. And it comes at the worst time, where he's dating Wendy. Wendy was manipulating Stan, but Sta...
Nosorozec rogatek uwielbia jezdzic na dziwki ale pewnego dnja zakochuje sie i zakalda rodzine. xzy jego syn wyrwie pozadne dupeczki i bedzie jak ojciciec czy bezzie pizda? przepraszam jesli to gowno kogos urazilo i przepraszam moich irl znajomych OKLADKA ZROBIONA PRZEZ MATEUSZKA MATEUSZEK JESTES SUPER
This is about a boy named Stan, he wasn't anything special but a normal boy. he's friends were always there for him in his darkest point in life and he couldn't think where he would be without them. but... as they all hit high school some of them slowly changed... Stan didn't understand what happen to his happy life w...