tamber one shots
self explanatory. i am taking suggestions!
Tara Carpenter hates Amber Freeman well atleast she thinks she does. Maybe that 'hate' is actual something else. How will their story go on?
Not your typical love story and actually shows the ups and downs of marriage. Amber does something that she quickly regrets but it might've been too late for them anyways.
Amber Freeman, Tara Carpenter, Mindy and Chad Meeks-Martin, Wes Hicks and Liv McKenzie have been friends for years. Amber finds her self falling for Tara, while Wes and Tara have a bit of a thing going, but does Tara have hidden feelings for Amber? A new girl starts her first year at Woodsboro High and Tara catches th...
[eng] Amber Freeman, a girl known to everyone for her bitter nature, is graduating from high school this year. She has never been a diligent student, her homework is always done for her by boys and girls who have crush on her. Her beauty impresses almost everyone. She is always invited to parties, her car is well know...
Amber gets random love notes in her locker, unbeknownst to her of who it is, the secret admirer continues to give these letters until they get caught in the act.
Tamber, basically Amber being the jealous ghost face she is, and Tara being oblivious. The parts aren't in order, like, for example, the killings aren't ordered properly.
THATS WHY. I LOVE FALL. mkay anyways this is just a cute story abt tara and amber n them falling in love being cute. contains mature settings 🙄 whatever ya
Tara and Amber have been best friends since a while, but are they really just friends? What if a masked killer were to ruin everything? This story takes ideas from the "Scream" films, as do the characters. Some of the characters will be invented. This story may contain smut. hope you guys will like it (imagine they'r...
Amber tan sólo había ido para realizar un caso más. El primero de sus grandes casos que le ayudarían a poner su nombre en un gran prestigio. No obstante, no pensaba encontrarse a alguien que cambiara toda la percepción de su placer. PD: Esta historia está ambientada en el mundo de "Bloody Jewels" (otra de mis historia...
Amber y Tara se han gustado desde que se conocieron. Sin embargo ninguna tiene el valor para declararsele a la otra. ¿Que pasara cuando Tara organice una fiesta? ¿Y si a esta asiste su exnovio? ¿Amber podrá lidiar con los celos cuando traten de robarle a su chica que nisiquiera es su chica? ___________________________...
𝐌 || ❝Now you're manic, honestly i've had it, listen to yourself think you need to get some help❞ [ SCREAM FRANCHISE ] [ AMBER FREEMAN X MASC!OC X TARA CARPENTER ] [ SCREAM 5 - SCREAM ¿? ] NINI 2023 © - español
Quien diría que algunos harian lo que sea para conseguir lo que realmente quieren solo tendrían que matar y asimismo convertirse en asesinos ¿y todo por que? Amor, obsesión, fama o simplemente por venganza La historia se centrara un poco más en amber freeman y como se fue convirtiendo en ghostface e igual se des...
jenna is a daughter of a president in their Country. has a one older sister. Mikey on the other side who lives in the other country and his dad is a president in her country. their parents was also Enemies too. Mikey was sick of his father's Selfishness so she decided to Live on the other country. which she met Jenna.
Amber Freeman siempre ha estado perdidamente enamorada de su mejor amiga Tara Carpenter, quien desde que tiene memoria a estado con ella, en las buenas y las malas. Pero todo dará un giro cuando vea como su querida amiga comienza a acercarse a más gente, lo cual pone de los nervios a Amber, comenzando a sentir celos...
Tara is in a complicated relationship with Amber that none of her friends know about.
La vida de Tara Carpenter ha sido una montaña rusa hasta ahora. Al acercarse a la graduación, comienza a descubrir cosas nuevas sobre sí misma, gracias a una nueva y misteriosa amiga que entra en su vida. Sin embargo, parece que una vez que te sudas a esa montaña rusa, no hay que ralentizarla en el corto plazo. Esta...
-Y pensar que gracias a Mindy nos conocimos. -Y se lo agradezco mucho Tara... Tara iba a ver Stab 5 con Mindy pero esta invita a una persona mas y Tara no sabe quien es.
⚠️ Está historia es traducida no me pertenece!
Esta historia no es mia, es una traducción de la historia "If wishes could heal" de -love4sidney
¿De enemigas a novias? ⚠️Está historia es traducida! No me pertenece si no a @im_amazingandurnot