Love has no gender ♥️
តែស្រឡាញ់គឺស្រឡាញ់ហើយ ប្រើបេះដូងមិនម៉ែនប្រើអារម្មណ៍មួយឆាវទេ!
Fot :« អូនសំទោស ពេលនោះអូនមិនគួរនិយាយបែបនោះទេ💔 » Gem :« មិនថាអូនធ្វើបែបណា អូននិយាយបែបណា ក៏អូននៅតែជាមនុស្សទីមួយដែលបងជ្រើស ❤️🩹 »
Study in New Zealand for one year. A program designed to bring together different cultures around the world. In the farthest place on earth, students studying civil engineering and architecture will use the diversity in the South Pacific to expand their learned skills. Gem and Fourth have been best friends since kind...