Silent Sorrow
Silent Sorrow
In a world where both are human, but Odlef has the heart of a demon and Sunshine is pure, they meet and their lives are forever changed. Yuba breaks Sunshine's heart and shatters her life with his demonic actions, yet Sunshine refuses to give up and remains pure and innocent. Despite the challenges, Odlef's love for S...
still working on it "Moore, a psychology student, meets a mysterious and enigmatic guy who prefers to keep his personal information hidden. Despite his unconventional behavior, she becomes determined to help him, even as they find themselves on the run from government spies who have been sent to capture him. As they e...
"Souls of Darkness" is a chilling story of a young girl named Raven, who has an intense loathing for humanity and finds comfort only in the company of her feline companion. With her jet-black hair, hazel eyes, and emaciated frame, Raven is an ominous figure who revels in the pain and suffering of others. She yearns to...
In a city gripped by fear, a mysterious serial killer preys on the innocent, leaving devastation in his wake. The narrative unfolds through the eyes of the enigmatic Killer, skilled in deception, and his unsuspecting connection with Angel, a woman unaware of the darkness that shadows him. As their relationship deepens...